Introduce yourself here

Hi everyone,

I have been here for a while. And I am so happy to be invited again this year. Thanks, Jeremy and Rachel!

But recently I’ve been a little bit more quiet. That is mainly because of my attendance to the local university, kept me busy. But this also gave me an opportunity to learn the background math.

Yea. Learning the math can feel like physical pain - something weird squiggling in your stomach. But when you feel the squiggle that means you are out of your comfort-zone and this is the place where you want to be to really learn something.

My main point being here: DO NOT be afraid of the math. It’s not that difficult, even I got a grasp of partial derivatives and gradient now.

If you are a first timer, then this is my advice to you: Follow the videos. Get your hands dirty, join Kaggle, do a submission! Repeat the videos if you get stuck. DO NOT try to learn the math. Just try to actually repeat the stuff that Jeremy is showing in the video (don’t have to do the Excel -parts, Jeremy’s an Excel wizard).

Build a simple model! Use it on your own data!

And after doing all of this and you feel like you want to learn more, then check out the background math. It is difficult, but it is NOT necessary to build something revolutionary.

Happy learning!



Hi everyone, I’m Jan Van de Poel from Belgium (LinkedIn/Twitter).

I am the founder of, an AI marketplace: easily create, deploy and share AI models.

We’re supporting most of fastai’s applications + object detection, and we’re currently building a language model zoo (that is being converted to v2 :slight_smile: ).

I have been through all of the previous courses and wrote about some on

I’m so grateful to everyone in and its community, and have learned so much that I keep coming back for more. I look forward to contribute my small part in making DL accessible and understandable to [all / a lot more people]. So, hope to actively contribute throughout the course.

Love you all!


Yes, exactly!

Thanks so much! I’ll reach out via PM after the lectures start :slight_smile:

Hey everyone, glad to be back here again! I am based in Auckland, New Zealand

I apply some of the computer vision tools to rockets :rocket: for Rocket Lab a Satellite launch company

I have learnt so much from, and the community is great. Huge thanks to Jeremy, your approach has been a huge influence on how I attempt to look at problems.

I am facilitating live Auckland, so let me know if you’re in town (/keep your distance Re:Covid)


First of all, thanks to Jeremy Howard, Rachel Thomas and the entire Fastai community for the wonderful cutting edge work that is being done by them.

A special thanks for their recent efforts to spread insightful knowledge about the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic at

I am the Founder Director of Kaytek Computer Services Pvt Ltd (, a 3 decades young Information Technology & Business consulting boutique organization based out of Mumbai, India.

I was amongst Microsoft’s Top Software Architects in India for 2 years at their annual Tech Ed conferences in the past.

For the past couple of years, I have been focussing on the understanding of using AI for leveraging it’s benefits to business organizations and society. Some of my thoughts & writings are at

It is thanks to the earlier Fastai course that I got to learn about Entity Embeddings which is an advanced AI technique used by most global internet AI giants. I was fortunate to speak on the same at various global forums. For more information, you are kindly requested to visit

I also try to write periodically on relevant contemporary topics of business and technology at

My twitter handle is @MaheshKhatri.

Thank you for the invite to join this course.

I look forward to learning from the entire community from this course and I will strive to contribute as much as I can over the next few months.

Lastly, I sincerely hope and pray that Rachel Thomas’s health is stable and will strive to keep the same in my prayers at all times.

All of you, please take care of yourself admist the ongoing Covid-19 crisis.


Hello everybody,
very glad to enter the community, and thank you to all organizers for the opportunity to follow the course online.

I’m a R&D Senior Software Engineer, currently working in Deltatre’s Innovation Lab, designing and prototyping solutions for next generation sport experiences and business services, from VR/MR apps to end-to-end Microsoft Azure architectures, passing by Cognitive Services, AI, and much more. I’m a Microsoft Windows Development MVP since 2011, focused on emerging technologies, AI and Virtual/Augmented/Mixed realities since 2013. Beyond that, I’m an active member of a number of local tech user groups (TTG, Coding Gym Torino, Deltatre Innovation Lab Academy), online trainer for Pluralsight and I’m a speaker in national and international tech conferences and events (such as Microsoft Ignite, Codemotion, AI and Mixed Reality Bootcamps, to name a few).

I’m based in Italy: it will not be so easy to follow, given the timezone, but having studied on the past editions on-demand, the possibility to attend it “in-person” is amazing and worth the efforts. I learnt a lot from so far, and the community is great, willing to support initiatives and share back as much as possible.

You can find me on Twitter as @giannirg.


Hey everyone,

My name is James Mete. I’m a Canadian living in Saudi Arabia where I manage the analysis for one of the main industrial equipment distributors in the energy sector.

Like Jeremy, I don’t really have any formal education in the field and learned mainly through experience, online tutorials, and self-study. I became fascinated with AI and machine learning a few years ago and have been trying to get my hands dirty and bolster my knowledge in the field. I think its one of the main ways forward in progressing humanity, if done in an ethical manner that is.

As someone who lives in one of the most restrictive countries on Earth, I really appreciate the community for helping to spread knowledge and great education throughout the world.

If you want to talk, my twitter profile is:

Thank you all for being awesome.


Hi everyone!

I’m JP Kabler. I’m a software engineer currently working in the Innovation and Incubation lab at Alteryx, an analytics company which specializes in democratizing analytics for business users.

I’ve recently shipped a product which provides a drag and drop GUI experience on top of scikit-learn, targeted at non-coder business users. I’m hoping to be able to do the same for deep learning in the future.

I’ve got a background in more traditional machine learning approaches, but I’m eager to get a solid foundation in deep learning methods, particularly due to my passion for NLP.

I’ve dabbled with deep learning in the past, including v1, but I’m really looking forward to engaging with this community as we all learn together!

I’m a huge fan of all of the work coming out of, and can’t wait for the class to begin.




Dear faster learner,
Flattered to be in this group with like-minded people.
I am the Founder of DeepLearningItalia and the Computational Design Institute. I am an Architect and Building Engineer who loves Deep Learning and I applied in several projects and clients here in Silicon Valley especially for Data Center and Office Spaces. You can have a quick look here on my blog.

I am woking on 2d to 3D Sketch application
and here the video about my idea and app.. Looking forward to working with others on implementing Fastai2 for Pytoch3D if you are interested as well.
You can follow me on

Furthermore, I am also interested in any projects that can help research on #covid19 and fastMRI

Best Regards


Hi rajath!

Similar interests (insurance use cases). Let me know if you are available to chat!

Thank you,

Hello … I’m James McLaurin

I currently working as a Data/ML Engineer and looking to expand into Advanced Analytics and Deep Learning. I’m looking forward to uncovering fastai and deep learning …

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Awesome @giannirg let’s connect, I am stronlgy focus on VR/AR as well. best of luck

I am using Colab Pro in New Zealand. They only ask for a US postcode to sign up and I used the only one I know 90210


Amazing work Jason

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Hello! I’m Tiago Palas Santos from Lisbon, Portugal!

My linkedin is:
My twitter handle is: @tpalasantos

I have got to know more than a year ago from other colleague, who is also a great fan, José Varela that will also join the course :slight_smile:

I am currently working as a Manager at an IT Consulting Company for the insurance industry. However, I have spent my whole professional life being a pragmatist and expanding breadth of:

  • experiences: public&private, financial services, public sector and insurance.
  • background: Computer Science, Behavioural Sciences, Business Administration, Sales

I am looking to

  • understand some use cases around actuarial risk and how it affects pricing (and possible SaaS applications);
  • any other cases to cross-pollinate between types (vision, text) and industries;

Thank you,


Hi everyone,

My name is Chris Kroenke and I am a Research Engineer at a speech lab in the Bay Area.
I also attended the 2019 course in person.

My main focus is on applying ML to Radio Frequency signals.
I have also worked on many vision tasks and a few multi-modal projects combining speech, video, and text. Even delved into a few tabular projects recently!

Fastai and the teachings around it have been a core part of my data science journey.
From this course, I am hoping to become a better coder and researcher and apply those skills to my job and side projects (just finished moving a large project from fastai v1 to v2, and the benefits/ease were remarkable).

Was really looking forward to the in-person meetups and study groups, but glad we are playing it safe. Now looking forward to connect with all of you virtually instead!

Nice meeting everyone and thanks for having me, here’s to a great course.


Hello everyone,

I am Stas, a software engineer based in San Francisco.

I’m interested in how I can apply ML methods to my work and pet projects.
I am looking forward to learning new technologies and meet (e-meet) many interesting people!


Hello all,

I’m Daniel from the bay area. I’m a circuit designer who started learning about deep learning after AlphaGo defeated Lee Sedol in Go.

I currently only use Keras/Tensorflow for my deep learning development, and would like to add Pytorch into the repertoire. What drew me to were the practical tips (learning rate finder, one cycle learning, 2 stage fine tuning, etc…). Then I saw Jeremy’s post about being 2-3x faster using the new notebook software, and I was sold.

I’m interested in working with others in computer vision. In particular, I’m currently exploring image segmentation, and will eventually go into object detection. After that, I’m guessing video processing.

Daniel Lam



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Hi everyone, excited to be taking the most recent version of this course. I previously took the 2019 version online and got a lot out of it. Excited to do round two!

Professionally I work as a data scientist at Apple in their media products org, although most of my work is more to do with descriptive/prescriptive analytics, with any predictive analytics I do typically being a GBM or random forest model. I’m looking to do some interesting personal projects and meet other likeminded people who are into building and creating new things.

On the side I write for the Towards Data Science publication on Medium (I actually wrote about here - If you want to follow me I’m @LyskovAndrei on both Twitter and Medium.