Hello everyone!
I am Joan and I’m working as a Data Scientist in Hospital del Mar in Barcelona. Although my main work is related to other stuff I am pushing here to develop a DL based clinical related tools (with fastai!) in the day to day care. We are mainly focused in vision and histology slides concretely, but we plan to broad our spectrum when things start to get smoother.
My DL journey started a year or so ago and I had little experience in coding (and python) but I am struggling to improve my programming skills as fast as possible. Fast.ai v1 library help me a lot here since it was super easy to implement SOTA. Now I am playing with fastaiv2 (with @muellerzr course and help) and I find the update awesome!
As you can imagine, I am now very interested in the medical imaging module, deployment but also in importing PyTorch code to fastai. However I am really open to new and exciting projects in other DL areas!
Look forward to learning fastaiv2 and hope I could take most out of this course!