Introduce yourself here

My name is Matanya (@HananMatanya), I work as an NLP developer in a startup called DigitalOwl (and completing first degree in BSc). In the company, we do medical documents processing in the field of insurance.
I owe to the community a lot!

  1. The project with which I was accepted for work was Hebrew ULMFIT.
  2. I created a learning group at my place of residence on v3 part 1. The group completed the course successfully!
  3. I think v3 part 2 is one of the best practical courses on the web today in Deep Learning. A lot of my work environment is built on this course. It allows you to think and perform almost any experiment I want.
    Anyone who deals with advances NLP with is welcome to contact :slight_smile:
  4. To decentralize our experiments we use FastEc2.

I was very happy to receive the email and very excited about the course.