In-class discussion: Introductory workshop

Since we’ll be doing most of the programming using pytorch, I thought it’d be good to know at the beginning whether my current configuration is good to go.

A selection of articles/blogs on building your own DL station.
(click on the window below to expand the links in a more comfy version)

How do you run the Jupiter notebook in the background ?

Thanks @yinterian :smiley:

jupyter notebook &

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I just started a new bash session, let the Jupyter Notebook run on its own…

This is a detailed view.

jupyter notebook & will do the job

what do you mean by in the background ?

Go to your student pack page and click on aws educate option > you will get access to unique link > then provide university name and your email ending with your university domain and other asked details.

if you ran it already ctrl+z and then run bg

I caught @jeremy saying that it’s a practical idea to just use anaconda on Windows if you are on Windows 8.1. That’s my situation as I’ve got anaconda running before the course.

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Here is a link to the second part of the workshop

conda update --all

This will update all packages!


Jupyter is a process which runs in foreground. That is while it runs, it shows logs and until it is killed/finished the terminal can’t accept next command. So one way of keeping it running as well as have your terminal for other tasks is by running it in background.

More on background processes:


I had a bill of $150-180 for part1 assuming you are running when required.


That google link doesn’t work for some reason


How many aws credits are given ??

I don’t think we know exactly yet.

Here is a tutorial on python that covers almost all essentials.

I found it very helpful.

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