this dataset was created from mnist_tiny dataset, by randomly resizing it to slighly more than 28x28 and padding with black bg - so the resulting images are somewhere between 28x28 and 35x42.
tar -xvzf mnist_tiny.tgz
find mnist_tiny -type f -name "*png" -exec perl -le '$f=shift; $w=28+int rand 7; $h=28+int rand 14; $s="${w}x${h}"; qx[mogrify -resize $s -background black -gravity center -extent $s $f]' {} \;
mv mnist_tiny mnist_var_size_tiny
rm mnist_var_size_tiny/models/tmp.pth
tar -cvzf mnist_var_size_tiny.tgz mnist_var_size_tiny
It’s on s3 - thanks Jeremy!
and it’s in fastai datasets under URLs.MNIST_VAR_SIZE_TINY
now we can start using it in the tests