How to properly use 1cycle policy

Hi I’m a bit confused on how to interpret the following graph:


Here’s what I did:

max_lr = 0.0009
wd = 1e-4

# 1cycle policy - research paper
learn.fit_one_cycle(cyc_len=6, max_lr=max_lr, wd=wd)

max_lr =  0.00009
max_lrs = [max_lr/9,max_lr/3,max_lr]
wds = [wd/9,wd/3,wd]
wd = 1e-4

learn.fit_one_cycle(cyc_len=6, max_lr=max_lrs, wd=wds)

max_lr = 0.000009
max_lrs = [max_lr/9,max_lr/3,max_lr]
wds = [wd/9,wd/3,wd]
wd = 1e-4

learn.fit_one_cycle(cyc_len=6, max_lr=max_lrs, wd=wds)

Is this the ideal way to do it?

Oh and the lr with min loss is 0.009, you just can’t see it here.

Hi, running the code “fit_one_cycle(3)” and running “fit_one_cycle(1)” 3 times, are they different things?
If yes, which one is better to get more accuracy?

Yes, they are different.

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Oh, which is best?

I think fit_one_cycle(3) is better because never saw anyone doing fit_one_cycle(1) 3 times.

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Take a look here :slight_smile:

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Understood, thanks.
But since i’m not sure if i am over-fitting, i was running fit_one_cycle again and again having track of the accuracy.
Is there any other way to do this?

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I am looking at the documentation (on GitHub repository).

Didn’t find it, but the method Learner.fit_one_cycle() presumably is essentially the same as calling the function fit_one_cycle().

The signature of the function fit_one_cycle()reads

def fit_one_cycle(learn:Learner, cyc_len:int, max_lr:Union[Floats,slice],
                  moms:Tuple[float,float]=(0.95,0.85), div_factor:float=25., pct_start:float=0.3, final_div:float=None,
                  wd:float=None, callbacks:Optional[CallbackList]=None, tot_epochs:int=None, start_epoch:i

This function fit_one_cycle() ends with a call to the method, max_lr, wd=wd, callbacks=callbacks)

noting that the argument cyc_len is passed as the parameter epochs, according to the signature of

def fit(self, epochs:int, lr:Union[Floats,slice],
            wd:Floats=None, callbacks:Collection[Callback]=None)->None:

In other words, the cycle length appears to be the same as the number of epochs.

The method ends with a call to the function fit():

fit(epochs, self, metrics=self.metrics, callbacks=self.callbacks+callbacks)

whose signature is:

def fit(epochs:int, learn:BasicLearner, callbacks:Optional[CallbackList]=None, metrics:OptMetrics=None)->None:

At this point, I would conclude that:

Whether learner.fit_one_cycle(3) is different from calling learner.fit_one_cycle(1) 3 times boils down to whether is different from calling 3 times.

Now, in the declaration of the function fit() there is a loop over epochs. I am not versed enough in callback functions to know what exactly they do, but on first inspection I didn’t see that this loop inside fit() would do anything different from a loop “outside” fit().

OK, so I missed Nathan’s answer. Looking at the source code, I guess everything lies in what callback functions do…

Maybe this can help you. If you want to plot your accuracy (or whatever metric you want to track), use this. Hope that helps :slight_smile:

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Thanks, I’ll try it :slight_smile:

Hi Nathan,

Thanks for your help. My question was more oriented towards how to interpret the graph what should be my max_lr, wd, and wds.