How to modify fastai to process images with 4+ color channels?

I am working on a project to study ML supported diagnosis based on flow cytometry. Here’s a description of how these instruments work (from
‘flow cytometry is the measurement of cells in a flow system, which delivers the cells singly past a point of measurement… Typically, light scatter at two different angles and from one to six or more fluorescences will be measured.’
In simple terms, a number of scatter plots are used to diagnose a disease. One way this could be served up as input to a convolutional net is a stack of gray scale images ‘glued together’, the way color channels are combined in an image (if there’s a better way to do this, I’m absolutely open to suggestions!).

Here’s what I’ve got so far: I have created 6 scatter plots per sample that I am storing in a numpy array (200 x 200 x 6) and written to a file (xxx.npy). In order to get the array processed by the fastai ImageClassifierData, I have hacked, changing
‘im = cv2.imread(str(fn), flags).astype(np.float32)/255’ in the ‘open_image’ function to
‘im = np.load(fn)’.
So far, so good, but when I start training the network (learn = ConvLearner.pretrained(arch, data, precompute=True)) I get the following error:

C:\MyPy\fastai\flow_cytometry\fastai\ in call(self, x, y)
164 def call(self, x, y=None):
–> 165 x = (x-self.m)/self.s
166 if self.tfm_y==TfmType.PIXEL and y is not None: y = (y-self.m)/self.s
167 return x,y

ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (200,200,6) (3,)

I’ve gone through and it crashes when it tries to normalize the data because the imagenet stats have only three dimensions (RGB, I assume, this is way over my head at the moment) - so it seems that in order to run pretrained models require images with 3 color channels?

I know my issue might seem exotic, but wouldn’t a similar capability also be required for stuff like brain scans with multiple images in a lot of layers?

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I think the main issue here is that you’re trying to use a pretrained model designed for 3 channel images to process something with 6 channels. On a fundamental level the pretrained model is incompatible with your input. It’s not just the normalization that’s 3 channel - the convolutional kernels in the first layer of the pretrained model are also designed to work with 3 channel images.

To deal with the input as is, you can create your own convolutional architecture to process a 6 channel input, but you would have to train it from scratch.


Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it! While creating my own architecture would be really exciting, it sounds like using an existing model is really the way to go, mostly because I don’t have enough images to properly train a model from the ground up.
There’s actually nothing that stops me from putting all the scatter plots on one gigantic RGB image - I may run into memory and performance issues, but nothing that can’t be addressed by using a huge AWS instance!
Thanks again for your help!

It’s very short, but here is some clues to how you might do that: Lesson 3 In-Class Discussion

As a quick workaround: How about doing “pretuning” in addition to the “finetuning”?
In the course, it is covered how to take a pre-trained NN, and then slap on a fully connected layer at the very end that is trained for your specific categories.
How about you slap a layer or two to the beginning of the NN, designed to turn a 6-channel image into a 3-channel image. It would require some custom hackery, and you’d want to make sure that this layer isn’t frozen and doesn’t get the super-small differential learning rate, but all in all that might be a way to go?