Hinton's Capsule Networks

For those interested in unsupervised learning, we have paper on getting capsules to work in an unsupervised manner which I’ve written about here in a separate thread.

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I’ve been trying to implement CapsNet for the diabetic-retinopathy dataset on kaggle. And all I am able to train are resized 290x290 images while the original images are around 4500x3500. Consequently, the accuracy is bad.

Anyone succeeded on training CapsNet for medical data ?

Video tutorial on Capsule Networks by Aurélien Géron in his Youtube Channel:

Reddit link: https://www.reddit.com/r/MachineLearning/comments/7ew7ba/d_capsule_networks_capsnets_tutorial/
First comment by geoffhinton: “This is an amazingly good video. I wish I could explain capsules that well.”

Note: I don’t know if it is actually Hinton himself who wrote that comment but still the video is very very good.
