FBFS - Fast Bunnies Friday Sessions (Study Group 2024)

On your deep learning journey you will face many obstacles, both technical, and (even more difficult) posed by people around you who don’t believe you’ll be successful. There’s one guaranteed way to fail, and that’s to stop trying. - Jeremy

Fast Bunnies Friday Sessions: This is an active (Jan 2024) study group which is created for beginners in FastAI journey. We are here to go through the lesson’s difficulty, any updates, alternative approach and great place to showcase your models here within the learners community.

  • The main reason why we started this group is to remain consistent with learnings every week and have meaningful & motivating discussions with everyone.

Sessions are held on every Friday at UTC 14:30


  • Participants go through the lesson every week & try to find solution for any homework discussed earlier
  • All participants come up with queries, alternate approaches, showcases and members in session give their feedback, suggestions and solutions.
    Almost all members are beginners so sessions have a good team based problem solving environment; which promotes learning together and contribution from all.

You can join us with the listings bellow

Listing is the index of the study group sessions held:

  1. Fast Bunnies Friday Sessions - Chapter 1/2 Discussion - #3 by Agastya
  2. FBFS - Chapter 2 Discussion
  3. 09th Feb 2024 : FBFS - Lesson 3 (Ch04) Session

We are finally reaching lesson 04 ie, NLP 16th February 2024 at UTC 14:30 FBFS - Lesson 04 (Study Group 2024)
Come and join us here. See you

Thanks Everyone for joining! We reached a new achievement (7 Attendees today!) Nice session w/ y’all! Let’s try to have practical implementation for NLP by next week session and also go through lesson 5 if your schedule aligns:)
Will post the link to the next week’s post

Hey i want to join the study group too can i join from next session?

Here’s the post for next session scheduled next week.

Session Details for 1st of March

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As per our discussion in the last session we are revisiting the NLP but this time members would be presenting the project. Also we would be continuing the Lesson 05 'Building NN from Scratch"

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Random Forest discussion session on Friday 22/03/2024 at UTC 14:30

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Hi, we have a discussion scheduled on 12th April, Friday at UTC 14:30.
We’ll be going through the ResNets Architecture ie, Chapter 14.
Not only that we are holding the chapter progress for next 2 weeks (or more) so but discussion sessions will be held regularly. The goal is to apply the chapter knowledge practically in real world context.

Friday12th March 2024 Time (UTC): 14:30 - 15:30 Time (IST): 20:00 – 21:00
Platform: Google Meet https://meet.google.com/kcu-pojx-zcz
Stay connected to session chat on #fast-bunnies channel on discord.

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Please note that the session time has been preponed by one hour. The new time for the meeting is 13:30 UTC on every Friday

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