Fastai2 and new course now released

I am able to reproduce this in 2.0.11, which was released yesterday. Unless you’re referring to unreleased changes?

Here is a fairly small repro of it:

import fastai

from fastai.tabular.all import *
df = pd.DataFrame({'x': [1, 2, 3], 'y': [2, 4, 6], 'z': [2, 8, 18]})

pan = TabularPandas(df, cont_names=['x', 'y'], y_names='z')
dls = pan.dataloaders(bs=2)
learn = tabular_learner(dls)


learn.fit_one_cycle(2, 1e-3)

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I think the issue for both tta() and summary() is that they need to occur in a no_mbar context, so that it doesn’t try to update the progress bar (it is started in the begin_train callback which isn’t called for these two operations). I am working on a fix for both here:

It fixes it for me, but I’m having trouble getting all of the tests to run on my machine, trying to work through that now…

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Hello, I may be kinda late on this. Is the clean folder the stripped version for the course?

@yuri_k it looks to me like the clean folder is the stripped version. they say in the book the stripped version has the “same headings and code cells, but all outputs and prose have been removed.”. that is what the clean versions look like to me.