Fastai2 and new course now released

Found the content of the part 2 below:

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I get this error trying to run the intro notebook by installing fastbook.

How to solve?

Can you try to create a separate code block from above and run this code: !pip install -Uqq fastbook? After that, try to run a code: import fastbook.

Here you go:


@jeremy I have learned about indexed images. It is very helpful for Mask files in Semantic Segmentation. You can store values from 0 to 255 in uint8 and represent each value with the color that you want:

img =
    img = img.convert("L")
    # print(img.mode)

    #img = img.convert("P",palette=Image.ADAPTIVE,colors=2)
    img.putpalette([0,0,0, #black
                    255,255,255 #white

However, MaskBlock doesn’t works with this kind of files because it opens mask files with L mode. Indexed images uses P mode.

I have tried monkey patching as follows:

from import PILBase, AddMaskCodes
from import TransformBlock
from import IntToFloatTensor
class PILMaskV2(PILBase): _open_args= {'mode':'P'}
PILMaskV2   ._tensor_cls = TensorMask
def encodes(self, o:PILMaskV2): return o._tensor_cls(image2tensor(o)[0])
def MaskBlockV2(codes=None):
    "A `TransformBlock` for segmentation masks, potentially with `codes`"
    return TransformBlock(type_tfms=PILMaskV2.create, item_tfms=AddMaskCodes(codes=codes), batch_tfms=IntToFloatTensor)

I have also passed to unet_learner the CrossEntropyLossFlat version and it fails at runtime with next error:

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-24-f6d02b91c02c> in <module>
      1 learn.load("unet-manual-no-data-augmentation-before-unfreeze-best")
----> 2 learn.validate()

~/anaconda3/envs/ex1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fastai2/ in validate(self, ds_idx, dl, cbs)
    215         with self.added_cbs(cbs), self.no_logging(), self.no_mbar():
    216             self(_before_epoch)
--> 217             self._do_epoch_validate(ds_idx, dl)
    218             self(_after_epoch)
    219         return getattr(self, 'final_record', None)

~/anaconda3/envs/ex1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fastai2/ in _do_epoch_validate(self, ds_idx, dl)
    181         try:
    182             self.dl = dl;                                    self('begin_validate')
--> 183             with torch.no_grad(): self.all_batches()
    184         except CancelValidException:                         self('after_cancel_validate')
    185         finally:                                             self('after_validate')

~/anaconda3/envs/ex1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fastai2/ in all_batches(self)
    151     def all_batches(self):
    152         self.n_iter = len(self.dl)
--> 153         for o in enumerate(self.dl): self.one_batch(*o)
    155     def one_batch(self, i, b):

~/anaconda3/envs/ex1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fastai2/ in one_batch(self, i, b)
    159             self.pred = self.model(*self.xb);                self('after_pred')
    160             if len(self.yb) == 0: return
--> 161             self.loss = self.loss_func(self.pred, *self.yb); self('after_loss')
    162             if not return
    163             self.loss.backward();                            self('after_backward')

~/anaconda3/envs/ex1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fastcore/ in _f(*args, **kwargs)
    429         init_args.update(log)
    430         setattr(inst, 'init_args', init_args)
--> 431         return inst if to_return else f(*args, **kwargs)
    432     return _f

~/anaconda3/envs/ex1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fastai2/ in __init__(self, axis, *args, **kwargs)
    300     "Same as `nn.CrossEntropyLoss`, but flattens input and target."
    301     y_int = True
--> 302     def __init__(self, *args, axis=-1, **kwargs): super().__init__(nn.CrossEntropyLoss, *args, axis=axis, **kwargs)
    303     def decodes(self, x):    return x.argmax(dim=self.axis)
    304     def activation(self, x): return F.softmax(x, dim=self.axis)

~/anaconda3/envs/ex1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fastcore/ in _f(*args, **kwargs)
    429         init_args.update(log)
    430         setattr(inst, 'init_args', init_args)
--> 431         return inst if to_return else f(*args, **kwargs)
    432     return _f

~/anaconda3/envs/ex1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fastai2/ in __init__(self, loss_cls, axis, flatten, floatify, is_2d, *args, **kwargs)
    277     def __init__(self, loss_cls, *args, axis=-1, flatten=True, floatify=False, is_2d=True, **kwargs):
    278         store_attr(self, "axis,flatten,floatify,is_2d")
--> 279         self.func = loss_cls(*args,**kwargs)
    280         functools.update_wrapper(self, self.func)

~/anaconda3/envs/ex1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/ in __init__(self, weight, size_average, ignore_index, reduce, reduction)
    929     def __init__(self, weight=None, size_average=None, ignore_index=-100,
    930                  reduce=None, reduction='mean'):
--> 931         super(CrossEntropyLoss, self).__init__(weight, size_average, reduce, reduction)
    932         self.ignore_index = ignore_index

~/anaconda3/envs/ex1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/ in __init__(self, weight, size_average, reduce, reduction)
     17 class _WeightedLoss(_Loss):
     18     def __init__(self, weight=None, size_average=None, reduce=None, reduction='mean'):
---> 19         super(_WeightedLoss, self).__init__(size_average, reduce, reduction)
     20         self.register_buffer('weight', weight)

~/anaconda3/envs/ex1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/ in __init__(self, size_average, reduce, reduction)
     10         super(_Loss, self).__init__()
     11         if size_average is not None or reduce is not None:
---> 12             self.reduction = _Reduction.legacy_get_string(size_average, reduce)
     13         else:
     14             self.reduction = reduction

~/anaconda3/envs/ex1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/ in legacy_get_string(size_average, reduce, emit_warning)
     35         reduce = True
---> 37     if size_average and reduce:
     38         ret = 'mean'
     39     elif reduce:

~/anaconda3/envs/ex1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fastai2/ in _f(self, *args, **kwargs)
    270         def _f(self, *args, **kwargs):
    271             cls = self.__class__
--> 272             res = getattr(super(TensorBase, self), fn)(*args, **kwargs)
    273             return retain_type(res, self)
    274         return _f

RuntimeError: Boolean value of Tensor with more than one value is ambiguous

Could you support Palleted based masks too, please?

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I’m getting this error on a FastAI GPU from Paperspace that was working fine this morning. Is this related to the v2 release?

You’re using v1 code here, as you’re using TextLMDataBunch. I invite you to read the book or the course notebooks to see how the names have changed, as nothing is the same in the newest version.

I’m happy to look into it. Can you please create a GitHub issue with this information?

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Thank you very much for answering @jeremy . I created next issue on GitHub:

I added a more extended explanation.


I have a problem with fastbook , what is the issue ?

Thank you. Can I still run my v1 notebook on a v1 Paperspace instance? The reason I am asking is that some libraries that were previously loaded automatically with the FastAI (pre-v2 release) are no longer available on the v1 Paperspace instance, and I can’t terminal into that machine to install it with ‘conda install’. What is the best way for me to continue working with my FastAI v1 code on Paperspace? Is this still possible? Thank you.

Nevermind… I just read the previous post that we should use !pip install to install missing libraries.

documentation website is down :frowning:

They’re working on a migration ATM :slight_smile: For now do a ?? and see the affiliated notebook in the fastai repo

Yep, I just wanted to announce in case it was not expected, I’m reading the docs nbs from repo :slight_smile:


New DNS is gradually propagating - apologies for any site errors whilst it does.


Sorry is this is a newb obvious question. I’ve been banging my head agains this for a few weeks now and didn’t find anything on the forums.

Since I can’t run FastAI2 code locally on my computer (no CUDA GPU), I am trying to run the fastaibook (or even parts of it) on Google colab or from Binder. I always run into basic install problems like: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
2 #hide
3 get_ipython().system(‘pip install -Uqq fastbook’)
----> 4 import fastbook
5 fastbook.setup_book()

on Google colab.

Or on Binder, what might be an out of memory error from line [4] of the intro book.
I am just running the first chapter of the fastbook from the binder site, as it seems to indicate is possible.

What am I missing here?

I can’t imagine it’s possible to run any of the chapters on Binder. Use one of the recommended options from .

I am now finally sucessfully running the intro notebook in Google Colab up to line 31, so far… I had to add a git clone line to get the fastai tree and change a path here and there. I suspect I would have had to make the same changes in Binder. But at least now it does finally work!