Fastai v2 text

Hi, I am trying to pretrain a model from scratch with masked language model (MLM) objective as bert, and I am thinking about loading the data.

  • Is there an off-the-shelf dataloader or snippet I can use?

  • If there’s no such thing, which level (dataset, datablock, …) should I start ? How would you do it ?


I am also having the same 1st problem , when running [10_nlp.ipynb] , as described by chess.

AttributeError: ‘L’ object has no attribute ‘join’

This comment was not answered and prevents running predictions

Are you sure you are on fastai2 and fastcore master? It runs perfectly fine on my side.

I am running from Colab, installing with command:
!pip install -q feather-format kornia pyarrow wandb nbdev fastprogress fastai2 fastcore --upgrade

!pip freeze gives me:




Is it possible to change that batch_size after creating a learner? I’m getting an error when I try to run the same code that works in fastai version 1:
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-37-99df3d3ce0a9> in <module>
----> 1

AttributeError: 'LMLearner' object has no attribute 'data'


You are posting in the wrong forum thread then, this is for fastai v2. Though I think you have your versions mix because in v1, a Learner does have a data attribute, but in v2 (it’s dls).

1 Like

Indeed, I was looking for the option to change the learner batch size in fastai v2. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

This worked for me:
208 = 256


I have been working on a ULMFiT example from this data frame (Norwegian text):

Everything is fine when I create a language model. I pass a custom itos from a pretrained language model:

dls_lm = TextDataLoaders.from_df(df, path=path, text_col='text', text_vocab=itos, is_lm=True)

But when i try to create a classifier the text becomes all ‘_PAD_’ after the first item:

dls_class = TextDataLoaders.from_df(df, text_col='text', text_vocab=dls_lm.vocab, is_lm=False, label_col='sentiment')

Any thoughts on what might be the issue? I’m on fastai2 0.0.16 and fastcore ‘0.1.17’.

It seems the custom vocabulary is the issue. If the model instead builds the vocab from the text, everything is fine.

lm_vocab = TextDataLoaders.from_df(df, text_col='text', is_lm=True).vocab
TextDataLoaders.from_df(df, text_col='text', text_vocab=lm_vocab, is_lm=False, label_col='sentiment').show_batch(max_n=5)

D’oh! Seems things were working all along… The reviews are of different lengths - with some very long ones. The longest review end up in the beginning of the batch, and the next items get progressively more padding in order to have the same size. If we check a batch and count the number of 1 (i.e. the index of the _pad_ token) along reviews, we see this clearly:

x, y = dls.one_batch()

TensorText([   0,   94,  654,  748, 1179, 1359, 1388, 1405, 1410, 1450, 1452, 1458,
        1510, 1615, 1652, 1696, 1730, 1740, 1743, 1743, 1763, 1786, 1793, 1829,
        1834, 1847, 1850, 1851, 1856, 1868, 1877, 1893, 1895, 1902, 1902, 1916,
        1924, 1936, 1936, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1948, 1949, 1951, 1958, 1959, 1964,
        1965, 1967, 1972, 1984, 1987, 1989, 1991, 2000, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2028,
        2032, 2037, 2039, 2040])

As of this version I’m no longer seeing this error on the language model prediction:

Name: fastai2
Version: 0.0.16

Name: fastcore
Version: 0.1.17

I’m having some trouble using learn.predict on a single dataframe row, using the classification model with transfer learning and ULMFIT. If I just give it text there’s no issue:

learn.predict(“This is my text!”)

But if I do it this way, I’m missing out on the metadata. Here’s a simple example showing what I’ve tried so far:

1# Attempted the same method I used in fastai1:

df_new = pd.DataFrame()

new_row = {'days': 145, 'comment': "An amazing person!"}

#append row to the dataframe
df_new = df_new.append(new_row, ignore_index=True)


Full error:

 AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
 <ipython-input-239-8357eb19a9b7> in <module>
 ----> 1 learn.predict(df_new.iloc[0])

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/ in predict(self, item, rm_type_tfms, with_input)
    229     def predict(self, item, rm_type_tfms=None, with_input=False):
--> 230         dl = self.dls.test_dl([item], rm_type_tfms=rm_type_tfms)
    231         inp,preds,_,dec_preds = self.get_preds(dl=dl, with_input=True, with_decoded=True)
    232         i = getattr(self.dls, 'n_inp', -1)

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/data/ in test_dl(self, test_items, rm_type_tfms, with_labels, **kwargs)
    344     test_ds = test_set(self.valid_ds, test_items, rm_tfms=rm_type_tfms, with_labels=with_labels
    345                       ) if isinstance(self.valid_ds, (Datasets, TfmdLists)) else test_items
--> 346     return, **kwargs)

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/text/ in new(self, dataset, **kwargs)
    177     def new(self, dataset=None, **kwargs):
    178         res = self.res if dataset is None else None
--> 179         return super().new(dataset=dataset, res=res, **kwargs)
    181 # Cell

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/data/ in new(self, dataset, cls, **kwargs)
     55     @delegates(
     56     def new(self, dataset=None, cls=None, **kwargs):
---> 57         res = super().new(dataset, cls, do_setup=False, **kwargs)
     58         if not hasattr(self, '_n_inp') or not hasattr(self, '_types'):
     59             try:

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/data/ in new(self, dataset, cls, **kwargs)
    112                 , shuffle=self.shuffle, drop_last=self.drop_last, indexed=self.indexed, device=self.device)
    113         for n in self._methods: cur_kwargs[n] = getattr(self, n)
--> 114         return cls(**merge(cur_kwargs, kwargs))
    116     @property

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/text/ in __init__(self, dataset, sort_func, res, **kwargs)
    151         self.sort_func = _default_sort if sort_func is None else sort_func
    152         if res is None and self.sort_func == _default_sort: res = _get_lengths(dataset)
--> 153         self.res = [self.sort_func(self.do_item(i)) for i in range_of(self.dataset)] if res is None else res
    154         if len(self.res) > 0: self.idx_max = np.argmax(self.res)

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/text/ in <listcomp>(.0)
    151         self.sort_func = _default_sort if sort_func is None else sort_func
    152         if res is None and self.sort_func == _default_sort: res = _get_lengths(dataset)
--> 153         self.res = [self.sort_func(self.do_item(i)) for i in range_of(self.dataset)] if res is None else res
    154         if len(self.res) > 0: self.idx_max = np.argmax(self.res)

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/data/ in do_item(self, s)
    117     def prebatched(self): return is None
    118     def do_item(self, s):
--> 119         try: return self.after_item(self.create_item(s))
    120         except SkipItemException: return None
    121     def chunkify(self, b): return b if self.prebatched else chunked(b,, self.drop_last)

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/data/ in create_item(self, s)
    123     def randomize(self): self.rng = random.Random(self.rng.randint(0,2**32-1))
    124     def retain(self, res, b):  return retain_types(res, b[0] if is_listy(b) else b)
--> 125     def create_item(self, s):  return next( if s is None else self.dataset[s]
    126     def create_batch(self, b): return (fa_collate,fa_convert)[self.prebatched](b)
    127     def do_batch(self, b): return self.retain(self.create_batch(self.before_batch(b)), b)

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/data/ in __getitem__(self, it)
    277     def __getitem__(self, it):
--> 278         res = tuple([tl[it] for tl in self.tls])
    279         return res if is_indexer(it) else list(zip(*res))

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/data/ in <listcomp>(.0)
    277     def __getitem__(self, it):
--> 278         res = tuple([tl[it] for tl in self.tls])
    279         return res if is_indexer(it) else list(zip(*res))

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/data/ in __getitem__(self, idx)
    253         res = super().__getitem__(idx)
    254         if self._after_item is None: return res
--> 255         return self._after_item(res) if is_indexer(idx) else
    257 # Cell

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/data/ in _after_item(self, o)
    216     def _new(self, items, **kwargs): return super()._new(items, tfms=self.tfms, do_setup=False, types=self.types, **kwargs)
    217     def subset(self, i): return self._new(self._get(self.splits[i]), split_idx=i)
--> 218     def _after_item(self, o): return self.tfms(o)
    219     def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}: {self.items}\ntfms - {self.tfms.fs}"
    220     def __iter__(self): return (self[i] for i in range(len(self)))

~/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/ in __call__(self, o)
    183         self.fs.append(t)
--> 185     def __call__(self, o): return compose_tfms(o, tfms=self.fs, split_idx=self.split_idx)
    186     def __repr__(self): return f"Pipeline: {' -> '.join([ for f in self.fs if != 'noop'])}"
    187     def __getitem__(self,i): return self.fs[i]

~/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/ in compose_tfms(x, tfms, is_enc, reverse, **kwargs)
    136     for f in tfms:
    137         if not is_enc: f = f.decode
--> 138         x = f(x, **kwargs)
    139     return x

~/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/ in __call__(self, x, **kwargs)
     70     @property
     71     def name(self): return getattr(self, '_name', _get_name(self))
---> 72     def __call__(self, x, **kwargs): return self._call('encodes', x, **kwargs)
     73     def decode  (self, x, **kwargs): return self._call('decodes', x, **kwargs)
     74     def __repr__(self): return f'{}: {self.encodes} {self.decodes}'

~/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/ in _call(self, fn, x, split_idx, **kwargs)
     80     def _call(self, fn, x, split_idx=None, **kwargs):
     81         if split_idx!=self.split_idx and self.split_idx is not None: return x
---> 82         return self._do_call(getattr(self, fn), x, **kwargs)
     84     def _do_call(self, f, x, **kwargs):

~/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/ in _do_call(self, f, x, **kwargs)
     84     def _do_call(self, f, x, **kwargs):
     85         if not _is_tuple(x):
---> 86             return x if f is None else retain_type(f(x, **kwargs), x, f.returns_none(x))
     87         res = tuple(self._do_call(f, x_, **kwargs) for x_ in x)
     88         return retain_type(res, x)

~/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/ in __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
     96         if not f: return args[0]
     97         if self.inst is not None: f = MethodType(f, self.inst)
---> 98         return f(*args, **kwargs)
    100     def __get__(self, inst, owner):

~/environments/fastai2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in __getattr__(self, name)
   5177             if self._info_axis._can_hold_identifiers_and_holds_name(name):
   5178                 return self[name]
-> 5179             return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
   5181     def __setattr__(self, name, value):

AttributeError: 'Series' object has no attribute 'text'

2# Searched the above error (‘Series’ object has no attribute ‘text’), and realized I have to tokenize the dataframe first:

tok_inf_df = tokenize_df(df_new, ['days','comment'], mark_fields = True)
inf_dl = learn.dls.test_dl(tok_inf_df[0], rm_type_tfms=None)

I understand the vocab is different, but I’m thinking I’ll deal with that once I get past this error. So I move forward. I now have a dataframe with a “text” column, so I send in one row:


AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/ in _do_epoch_validate(self, ds_idx, dl)
    174             self.dl = dl;                                    self('begin_validate')
--> 175             with torch.no_grad(): self.all_batches()
    176         except CancelValidException:                         self('after_cancel_validate')

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/ in all_batches(self)
    142         self.n_iter = len(self.dl)
--> 143         for o in enumerate(self.dl): self.one_batch(*o)

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/data/ in __iter__(self)
     96         self.before_iter()
---> 97         for b in _loaders[self.fake_l.num_workers==0](self.fake_l):
     98             if self.device is not None: b = to_device(b, self.device)

~/environments/fastai2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/utils/data/ in __next__(self)
    818                 del self._task_info[idx]
--> 819                 return self._process_data(data)

~/environments/fastai2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/utils/data/ in _process_data(self, data)
    845         if isinstance(data, ExceptionWrapper):
--> 846             data.reraise()
    847         return data

~/environments/fastai2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/ in reraise(self)
    384             msg = KeyErrorMessage(msg)
--> 385         raise self.exc_type(msg)

AttributeError: Caught AttributeError in DataLoader worker process 0.
Original Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/environments/fastai2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/utils/data/_utils/", line 178, in _worker_loop
    data = fetcher.fetch(index)
  File "/home/environments/fastai2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/utils/data/_utils/", line 34, in fetch
    data = next(self.dataset_iter)
  File "/home/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/data/", line 106, in create_batches
    yield from map(self.do_batch, self.chunkify(res))
  File "/home/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/data/", line 127, in do_batch
    def do_batch(self, b): return self.retain(self.create_batch(self.before_batch(b)), b)
  File "/home/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/", line 185, in __call__
    def __call__(self, o): return compose_tfms(o, tfms=self.fs, split_idx=self.split_idx)
  File "/home/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/", line 138, in compose_tfms
    x = f(x, **kwargs)
  File "/home/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/", line 72, in __call__
    def __call__(self, x, **kwargs): return self._call('encodes', x, **kwargs)
  File "/home/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/", line 82, in _call
    return self._do_call(getattr(self, fn), x, **kwargs)
  File "/home/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/", line 86, in _do_call
    return x if f is None else retain_type(f(x, **kwargs), x, f.returns_none(x))
  File "/home/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/", line 98, in __call__
    return f(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/text/", line 141, in pad_input_chunk
    return [(_f(s[0]), *s[1:]) for s in samples]
  File "/home/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/text/", line 141, in <listcomp>
    return [(_f(s[0]), *s[1:]) for s in samples]
  File "/home/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/text/", line 136, in _f
    l = max_len - x.shape[0]
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'shape'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-293-e5e7cdd96ac7> in <module>
----> 1 learn.predict(tok_inf_df[0].iloc[0])

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/ in predict(self, item, rm_type_tfms, with_input)
    229     def predict(self, item, rm_type_tfms=None, with_input=False):
    230         dl = self.dls.test_dl([item], rm_type_tfms=rm_type_tfms)
--> 231         inp,preds,_,dec_preds = self.get_preds(dl=dl, with_input=True, with_decoded=True)
    232         i = getattr(self.dls, 'n_inp', -1)
    233         inp = (inp,) if i==1 else tuplify(inp)

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/ in get_preds(self, ds_idx, dl, with_input, with_decoded, with_loss, act, inner, **kwargs)
    217             for mgr in ctx_mgrs: stack.enter_context(mgr)
    218             self(event.begin_epoch if inner else _before_epoch)
--> 219             self._do_epoch_validate(dl=dl)
    220             self(event.after_epoch if inner else _after_epoch)
    221             if act is None: act = getattr(self.loss_func, 'activation', noop)

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/ in _do_epoch_validate(self, ds_idx, dl)
    176         except CancelValidException:                         self('after_cancel_validate')
    177         finally:
--> 178             dl,*_ = change_attrs(dl, names, old, has);       self('after_validate')
    180     def fit(self, n_epoch, lr=None, wd=None, cbs=None, reset_opt=False):

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/ in __call__(self, event_name)
    122     def ordered_cbs(self, cb_func): return [cb for cb in sort_by_run( if hasattr(cb, cb_func)]
--> 124     def __call__(self, event_name): L(event_name).map(self._call_one)
    125     def _call_one(self, event_name):
    126         assert hasattr(event, event_name)

~/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/ in map(self, f, *args, **kwargs)
    370              else f.format if isinstance(f,str)
    371              else f.__getitem__)
--> 372         return self._new(map(g, self))
    374     def filter(self, f, negate=False, **kwargs):

~/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/ in _new(self, items, *args, **kwargs)
    321     @property
    322     def _xtra(self): return None
--> 323     def _new(self, items, *args, **kwargs): return type(self)(items, *args, use_list=None, **kwargs)
    324     def __getitem__(self, idx): return self._get(idx) if is_indexer(idx) else L(self._get(idx), use_list=None)
    325     def copy(self): return self._new(self.items.copy())

~/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/ in __call__(cls, x, *args, **kwargs)
     39             return x
---> 41         res = super().__call__(*((x,) + args), **kwargs)
     42         res._newchk = 0
     43         return res

~/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/ in __init__(self, items, use_list, match, *rest)
    312         if items is None: items = []
    313         if (use_list is not None) or not _is_array(items):
--> 314             items = list(items) if use_list else _listify(items)
    315         if match is not None:
    316             if is_coll(match): match = len(match)

~/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/ in _listify(o)
    248     if isinstance(o, list): return o
    249     if isinstance(o, str) or _is_array(o): return [o]
--> 250     if is_iter(o): return list(o)
    251     return [o]

~/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/ in __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
    214             if isinstance(v,_Arg): kwargs[k] = args.pop(v.i)
    215         fargs = [args[x.i] if isinstance(x, _Arg) else x for x in self.pargs] + args[self.maxi+1:]
--> 216         return self.fn(*fargs, **kwargs)
    218 # Cell

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/ in _call_one(self, event_name)
    125     def _call_one(self, event_name):
    126         assert hasattr(event, event_name)
--> 127         [cb(event_name) for cb in sort_by_run(]
    129     def _bn_bias_state(self, with_bias): return bn_bias_params(self.model, with_bias).map(self.opt.state)

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/ in <listcomp>(.0)
    125     def _call_one(self, event_name):
    126         assert hasattr(event, event_name)
--> 127         [cb(event_name) for cb in sort_by_run(]
    129     def _bn_bias_state(self, with_bias): return bn_bias_params(self.model, with_bias).map(self.opt.state)

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/callback/ in __call__(self, event_name)
     22         _run = (event_name not in _inner_loop or (self.run_train and getattr(self, 'training', True)) or
     23                (self.run_valid and not getattr(self, 'training', False)))
---> 24         if and _run: getattr(self, event_name, noop)()
     25         if event_name=='after_fit': #Reset to True at each end of fit

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/callback/ in after_validate(self)
     93     def after_validate(self):
     94         "Concatenate all recorded tensors"
---> 95         if self.with_input:     self.inputs  = detuplify(to_concat(self.inputs, dim=self.concat_dim))
     96         if not self.save_preds: self.preds   = detuplify(to_concat(self.preds, dim=self.concat_dim))
     97         if not self.save_targs: self.targets = detuplify(to_concat(self.targets, dim=self.concat_dim))

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/ in to_concat(xs, dim)
    211 def to_concat(xs, dim=0):
    212     "Concat the element in `xs` (recursively if they are tuples/lists of tensors)"
--> 213     if is_listy(xs[0]): return type(xs[0])([to_concat([x[i] for x in xs], dim=dim) for i in range_of(xs[0])])
    214     if isinstance(xs[0],dict):  return {k: to_concat([x[k] for x in xs], dim=dim) for k in xs[0].keys()}
    215     #We may receives xs that are not concatenatable (inputs of a text classifier for instance),

IndexError: list index out of range

3# Next, I attempted to use get_preds, even though I’m only trying to predict on a single row. The error I get is “TypeError: object of type ‘DataLoaders’ has no len()”, so I tried adding a few more rows and ran it again:

tfms = [attrgetter('text'), Tokenizer.from_df(text_cols=['days','comment'],mark_fields=True), Numericalize(vocab=dbunch.vocab, min_freq=2, max_vocab=60000)]

test_ds = Datasets(items=df_new, tfms=[tfms], dl_type=SortedDL)
#test_ds = Datasets(df_new, tfms=tfms)

test_dl = test_ds.dataloaders(bs=1,seq_len=5)

print(len(df_new), test_dl.n, len(test_dl.train), len(test_dl.valid))
preds = learn.get_preds(dl=test_dl)


4 4 4 0
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/ in _do_epoch_validate(self, ds_idx, dl)
    173             dl,old,has = change_attrs(dl, names, [False,False])
--> 174             self.dl = dl;                                    self('begin_validate')
    175             with torch.no_grad(): self.all_batches()

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/ in __call__(self, event_name)
--> 124     def __call__(self, event_name): L(event_name).map(self._call_one)
    125     def _call_one(self, event_name):

~/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/ in map(self, f, *args, **kwargs)
    371              else f.__getitem__)
--> 372         return self._new(map(g, self))

~/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/ in _new(self, items, *args, **kwargs)
    322     def _xtra(self): return None
--> 323     def _new(self, items, *args, **kwargs): return type(self)(items, *args, use_list=None, **kwargs)
    324     def __getitem__(self, idx): return self._get(idx) if is_indexer(idx) else L(self._get(idx), use_list=None)

~/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/ in __call__(cls, x, *args, **kwargs)
---> 41         res = super().__call__(*((x,) + args), **kwargs)
     42         res._newchk = 0

~/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/ in __init__(self, items, use_list, match, *rest)
    313         if (use_list is not None) or not _is_array(items):
--> 314             items = list(items) if use_list else _listify(items)
    315         if match is not None:

~/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/ in _listify(o)
    249     if isinstance(o, str) or _is_array(o): return [o]
--> 250     if is_iter(o): return list(o)
    251     return [o]

~/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/ in __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
    215         fargs = [args[x.i] if isinstance(x, _Arg) else x for x in self.pargs] + args[self.maxi+1:]
--> 216         return self.fn(*fargs, **kwargs)

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/ in _call_one(self, event_name)
    126         assert hasattr(event, event_name)
--> 127         [cb(event_name) for cb in sort_by_run(]

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/ in <listcomp>(.0)
    126         assert hasattr(event, event_name)
--> 127         [cb(event_name) for cb in sort_by_run(]

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/callback/ in __call__(self, event_name)
     23                (self.run_valid and not getattr(self, 'training', False)))
---> 24         if and _run: getattr(self, event_name, noop)()
     25         if event_name=='after_fit': #Reset to True at each end of fit

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/callback/ in begin_validate(self)
     25     def begin_train(self):    self._launch_pbar()
---> 26     def begin_validate(self): self._launch_pbar()
     27     def after_train(self):    self.pbar.on_iter_end()

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/callback/ in _launch_pbar(self)
     33     def _launch_pbar(self):
---> 34         self.pbar = progress_bar(self.dl, parent=getattr(self, 'mbar', None), leave=False)
     35         self.pbar.update(0)

~/environments/fastai2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/fastprogress/ in __init__(self, gen, total, display, leave, parent, master)
     18         self.gen,self.parent,self.master = gen,parent,master
---> 19 = len(gen) if total is None else total
     20         self.last_v = 0

TypeError: object of type 'DataLoaders' has no len()

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-351-61a99511f826> in <module>
      8 print(len(df_new), test_dl.n, len(test_dl.train), len(test_dl.valid))
----> 9 preds = learn.get_preds(dl=test_dl)

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/ in get_preds(self, ds_idx, dl, with_input, with_decoded, with_loss, act, inner, **kwargs)
    217             for mgr in ctx_mgrs: stack.enter_context(mgr)
    218             self(event.begin_epoch if inner else _before_epoch)
--> 219             self._do_epoch_validate(dl=dl)
    220             self(event.after_epoch if inner else _after_epoch)
    221             if act is None: act = getattr(self.loss_func, 'activation', noop)

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/ in _do_epoch_validate(self, ds_idx, dl)
    176         except CancelValidException:                         self('after_cancel_validate')
    177         finally:
--> 178             dl,*_ = change_attrs(dl, names, old, has);       self('after_validate')
    180     def fit(self, n_epoch, lr=None, wd=None, cbs=None, reset_opt=False):

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/ in __call__(self, event_name)
    122     def ordered_cbs(self, cb_func): return [cb for cb in sort_by_run( if hasattr(cb, cb_func)]
--> 124     def __call__(self, event_name): L(event_name).map(self._call_one)
    125     def _call_one(self, event_name):
    126         assert hasattr(event, event_name)

~/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/ in map(self, f, *args, **kwargs)
    370              else f.format if isinstance(f,str)
    371              else f.__getitem__)
--> 372         return self._new(map(g, self))
    374     def filter(self, f, negate=False, **kwargs):

~/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/ in _new(self, items, *args, **kwargs)
    321     @property
    322     def _xtra(self): return None
--> 323     def _new(self, items, *args, **kwargs): return type(self)(items, *args, use_list=None, **kwargs)
    324     def __getitem__(self, idx): return self._get(idx) if is_indexer(idx) else L(self._get(idx), use_list=None)
    325     def copy(self): return self._new(self.items.copy())

~/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/ in __call__(cls, x, *args, **kwargs)
     39             return x
---> 41         res = super().__call__(*((x,) + args), **kwargs)
     42         res._newchk = 0
     43         return res

~/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/ in __init__(self, items, use_list, match, *rest)
    312         if items is None: items = []
    313         if (use_list is not None) or not _is_array(items):
--> 314             items = list(items) if use_list else _listify(items)
    315         if match is not None:
    316             if is_coll(match): match = len(match)

~/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/ in _listify(o)
    248     if isinstance(o, list): return o
    249     if isinstance(o, str) or _is_array(o): return [o]
--> 250     if is_iter(o): return list(o)
    251     return [o]

~/git_packages/fastcore/fastcore/ in __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
    214             if isinstance(v,_Arg): kwargs[k] = args.pop(v.i)
    215         fargs = [args[x.i] if isinstance(x, _Arg) else x for x in self.pargs] + args[self.maxi+1:]
--> 216         return self.fn(*fargs, **kwargs)
    218 # Cell

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/ in _call_one(self, event_name)
    125     def _call_one(self, event_name):
    126         assert hasattr(event, event_name)
--> 127         [cb(event_name) for cb in sort_by_run(]
    129     def _bn_bias_state(self, with_bias): return bn_bias_params(self.model, with_bias).map(self.opt.state)

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/ in <listcomp>(.0)
    125     def _call_one(self, event_name):
    126         assert hasattr(event, event_name)
--> 127         [cb(event_name) for cb in sort_by_run(]
    129     def _bn_bias_state(self, with_bias): return bn_bias_params(self.model, with_bias).map(self.opt.state)

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/callback/ in __call__(self, event_name)
     22         _run = (event_name not in _inner_loop or (self.run_train and getattr(self, 'training', True)) or
     23                (self.run_valid and not getattr(self, 'training', False)))
---> 24         if and _run: getattr(self, event_name, noop)()
     25         if event_name=='after_fit': #Reset to True at each end of fit

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/callback/ in after_validate(self)
     93     def after_validate(self):
     94         "Concatenate all recorded tensors"
---> 95         if self.with_input:     self.inputs  = detuplify(to_concat(self.inputs, dim=self.concat_dim))
     96         if not self.save_preds: self.preds   = detuplify(to_concat(self.preds, dim=self.concat_dim))
     97         if not self.save_targs: self.targets = detuplify(to_concat(self.targets, dim=self.concat_dim))

~/git_packages/fastai2/fastai2/ in to_concat(xs, dim)
    211 def to_concat(xs, dim=0):
    212     "Concat the element in `xs` (recursively if they are tuples/lists of tensors)"
--> 213     if is_listy(xs[0]): return type(xs[0])([to_concat([x[i] for x in xs], dim=dim) for i in range_of(xs[0])])
    214     if isinstance(xs[0],dict):  return {k: to_concat([x[k] for x in xs], dim=dim) for k in xs[0].keys()}
    215     #We may receives xs that are not concatenatable (inputs of a text classifier for instance),

IndexError: list index out of range

4# Finally, I tried to keep things simple, and figure out a way to pass the metadata in as a string, while maintaining the mark_fields = true tags.

learn.predict("xxfld 1 124 xxfld 2 An amazing person!")

learn.predict(['124',"An amazing person!"])

Both attempts worked, but gave very different predictions. I don’t think either one is being passed successfully.

Long story short, when using transfer learning with ULMFIT in fastai2, what is the recommended way to either:

  1. Predict on a single dataframe row.
  2. Predict on a string + metadata without using dataframes.

Thanks for the help!

Learner.predict relies on the way you created your data, so without seeing that part of your process, no one can help with your errors.

Sorry, I hope this helps!

df_all = pd.read_csv('comments.csv', low_memory=False)

Screen Shot 2020-03-31 at 10.07.33 AM

imdb_clas = DataBlock(blocks=(TextBlock.from_df(['days','comments'], vocab=dbunch.vocab), CategoryBlock),
                      splitter=TrainTestSplitter(test_size = 0.2, stratify=df_all['liked'], random_state = 12))

dbunch_class = imdb_clas.dataloaders(df_all, bs=208, seq_len=80)

learn = text_classifier_learner(dbunch_class, AWD_LSTM, drop_mult=0.5, metrics=[accuracy, Perplexity()], wd=0.1).to_fp16()
learn = learn.load_encoder('finetuned6_208.pkl')

In that case, it’s learn.predict("xxfld 1 124 xxfld 2 An amazing person!") that should give you the proper results. I’m not sure why the predict didn’t work on the tokenized dataframe, but passing a row should also work with your tok_inf_df.

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Thanks again for your quick responses and hard work!

I’m getting the same error and I’m running on torch 1.4.0, also training a ULMFIT language model. You ever figure this problem out?

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Have you upgraded fastcore (not only fastai2) to its latest version using the github repository?

Just updated my fastai2/fastcore via the github repo (doing pip install -e ".[dev]" ), still having the same errors. What version of fastai2/fastcore are you using?

I am using the latest one.

Oh, another thing. The latest versions of Pytorch demand CUDA 10 if I am not wrong. What CUDA version are you using. I had to update from 9 to 10 some point in time.