Hi everyone,
I am trying to train a Text Classifier with a fine tuned Language Model using AWD_LSTM
default architecture, and I have some questions.
When I load a TextDataLoader, how can I do it to decode the elements of the dataset? So after Tokenize and Numericalize I get a tensor with numbers, how do I recover the original text from textdataloader.train_ds[0]
? There is a method: textdataloader.decode
but this does not give me back the text but rather a LMTensorText
Would not it be more comfortable, if we wanna do training with different schedules for different learning groups, to be able to pass a list of schedules to the scheduler. i.e. that we could write:
sched = {'lr': [SchedCos(lr/10.,lr) for lr in lrs]}
learner.fit(1, cbs=ParamScheduler(sched))
that is not allowed at the moment.
- Why the
Callback just records statistics from the last layer of the AWD_LSTM
default Language Model? When I type :
gives me back:
[None,None,None,None,None,None,None,None,{'mean': -1.8462823629379272, 'std': 1.2596983909606934, 'near_zero': 0.9194439246831189, 'hist': tensor([1.2411e+06, 1.0021e+06, 8.0230e+05, 6.4066e+05, 5.0985e+05, 4.0494e+05,
3.2018e+05, 2.5357e+05, 2.0129e+05, 1.5805e+05, 1.2631e+05, 1.0001e+05,
8.0982e+04, 6.4612e+04, 5.2268e+04, 4.2857e+04, 3.4609e+04, 2.8632e+04,
2.3751e+04, 1.9741e+04, 1.6459e+04, 1.3934e+04, 1.1901e+04, 1.0163e+04,
8.5460e+03, 7.2550e+03, 6.3900e+03, 5.4860e+03, 4.8030e+03, 4.0000e+03,
3.4060e+03, 2.9320e+03, 2.6210e+03, 2.2900e+03, 1.9420e+03, 1.6760e+03,
1.4160e+03, 1.2110e+03, 1.0560e+03, 8.4500e+02])}]
So it is just tracking the statistics of the 9th layer.
Thanks a lot!!!