v3 2019课程中文版笔记

Hi, I am studying this course, but the code has expired, so could you add me to this group, my wechat is neodreamer, thanks a lot.

except… better :wink:


Hi Jeremy,

I have just submitted Lesson 5 subtitle translation and Lesson 4 subtitle translation correction.

Could you have a look? Thanks! @jeremy

By the way, I have been thinking the importance of fastai ML course and Linear Algebra courses, given fastai DL courses are so much more popular. Although in v3 part1 we have better way of storing sparse matrix and how to process Rossmann dataset as reasons to go to these two courses, I wonder what are the more systematic reasons for taking these two courses seriously.

As Jeremy has mentioned that 90% of the tasks we can do with DL (without ML), does it mean ML is not that important for a DL practitioner? If we want to become serious DL practitioners or even researchers, are these two courses the important material we can’t miss? and why?


interp = ClassificationInterpretation.from_learner(learn)
interp.plot_confusion_matrix(figsize=(7,7), dpi=60) #混淆矩阵
interp.most_confused(min_val=2) #最容易被分类错误的类别对

但是却没有类似于vision模块的 ClassificationInterpretation 中的 plot_top_losses的函数。如果想查看在validation上的表现结果(具体是哪些文本会被分类错误),需要怎么做呢?

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Thanks Jeremy. We all expect the part2.

谢谢回复,我再试试看~ :wink:


以下这些kaggle kernels 应该都能正常工作,如果有无法运行的问题,可以将你的详细出错的细节提出来,方便查找原因。同时建议看一下, how to ask for help 中文版

我发现已经有人开发了这个feature,并且昨天刚合并了PR(Adding TextClassificationInterpretation docs),现在 class TextClassificationInterpretation可以在这份文档看见了 :laughing:

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The QR code doesn’t work anymore, could you send me a new one?


maybe you should ask @PegasusWithoutWinds for the QR code

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建议楼主参考 网易公开课 吴恩达 机器学习课程,课程是中英双语字幕,但并不影响观看效果。

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Hi @jeremy

I have so far received two of the same suggestion to provide bilingual subtitle.

Previously I thought it may affect viewing experience, but I do remember seeing bilingual subtitles which does not affect viewing experience elsewhere, particularly because we are provided with settings to change the font size of subtitles.

So, I wonder whether you accept bilingual subtitles for fastai videos. It is basically doing two subtitles (EN and CN) together.

The following font is large in editing mode, but as you know the size is no problem.


我早上看见的时候太高兴,没注意看就发了出来 :joy: 刚刚认真看了下,发现正如你所说的不是我想要的功能,于是自己实现了一下,现在能得到这样的结果。

我打算等等发个PR,希望能被接收~ :blush:

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很棒啊!还可以尝试写一个small example 来展示这个功能

Absolutely! :slight_smile:

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