APL study session 14

and with higher-rank arguments

Each digit position is represented as a major cell:

      ⎕←m←2 2 2 2 ⊤ 3 1 4
0 0 0  ← ×  2×2×2×1
0 0 1  ← ×    2×2×1
1 0 0  ← ×      2×1
1 1 0  ← ×        1 

↑ ↑ ↑
3 1 4

3 = (0,0,1,1)2
1 = (0,0,0,1)2
4 = (0,1,0,0)2
Having the numbers be “vertical” may seem surprising, but it is because, if we compute the digit weights…

      ⎕←w←⌽×\⌽1↓2 2 2 2,1
8 4 2 1

… we can use dot product/matrix multiplication (which traditional mathematics defines as summing the products of columns from the left with rows from the right) to compute the total values:

      w +.× m
3 1 4

Mixed-radix example (100 and 1440 minutes in days,hours,minutes):

      ⎕←m←7 24 60 ⊤ 100 1440
 0 1  ←  ×  24×60×1
 1 0  ←  ×     60×1
40 0  ←  ×        1

 ↑ ↑
      ⌽×\⌽1↓7 24 60,1
1440 60 1
      1440 60 1 +.× m
100 1440

With a matrix left argument, each column represents a radix and we do an outer product-like operation, combining all radices with all numbers:

      (3 2⍴10 16)⊤128 256
┌─1 2┐ ←  ×  10×10×1
│┌0 1│┐←  ×  16×16×1
││   ││
├│2 5┤│←  ×     10×1
│├8 0│┤←  ×     16×1
││   ││
└│8 6┘│←  ×        1
 └0 0─┘←  ×        1

  ↑ ↑
128 256

128 = (1,2,8)10
256 = (2,5,6)10
128 = (0,8,0)16
256 = (1,0,0)16
Again here, we have the first major cell (a layer of the rank-3 result) represent all the highest-valued digits, 10×10×1 and 16×16×1 for each of the 100 and 200 parts of 128 and 256.