Exception: Your validation data contains a label that isn't present in the training set, please fix your data

I was not receiving this error before, I started receiving it after update in the last couple weeks. The same google colab workbook, which was working, is now receiving this error…

I understand what the error says and why having new classes in validation data is bad/pointless.

What I don’t understand is why the from_csv function is causing this, or how to fix it while using the helpers.

tfms = get_transforms(max_rotate=20, max_zoom=1.3, max_lighting=0.4, max_warp=0.4, p_affine=1., p_lighting=1.)
data = ImageDataBunch.from_csv(path=BASE, folder=f'train', csv_labels="train.csv", ds_tfms=tfms, sz=sz, bs=bs, size=sz, xtra_tfms=[rand_resize_crop(sz)])

The factory method creates a random validation set. For this case, you’ll need to use the data block API (start from the code of ImageDataBunch.from_csv) where you have more options, like passing your own indexes, for the validation set.

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Here is another example of a similar problem (from lesson3-imdb):

path = untar_data(URLs.IMDB)
data_clas = (TextList.from_folder(path, vocab=data_lm.vocab)
             #split by train and valid folder (that only keeps 'train' and 'test' so no need to filter)
             .label_from_folder(classes=['neg', 'pos'])
             #label them all with their folders

It fails with:

Exception: Your validation data contains a label that isn't present in the training set, please fix your data.

However, the problem seems to be that the train data includes an extra folder, unsup/ , which is not in the test/ folder…
So the error message is somewhat confusing…

Solved with the following, which just throws away everything in the validation set that isn’t in the training. I think it would be better to move them to training, but I am not sure.

def from_df_ws(path:PathOrStr, df:pd.DataFrame, folder:PathOrStr='.', sep=None, valid_pct:float=0.2,
                fn_col:IntsOrStrs=0, label_col:IntsOrStrs=1, suffix:str='',
  "Create from a `DataFrame` `df`."
  msk = np.random.rand(len(df)) < 1 - valid_pct

  df_train = df[msk]
  df_valid = df[~msk]

  df_diff  = df_valid[~df_valid["Id"].isin(df_train["Id"])]
  df_valid = df_valid[~df_valid["Id"].isin(df_diff["Id"])]

  train_iil = ImageItemList.from_df(df_train, path=path, folder=folder, suffix=suffix, cols=fn_col)
  valid_iil = ImageItemList.from_df(df_valid, path=path, folder=folder, suffix=suffix, cols=fn_col)

  src = (ItemLists(path, train_iil, valid_iil)
            .label_from_df(sep=sep, cols=label_col)) 

  return ImageDataBunch.create_from_ll(src, **kwargs)

def from_csv_ws(path:PathOrStr, folder:PathOrStr='.', sep=None, csv_labels:PathOrStr='labels.csv', valid_pct:float=0.2,
            fn_col:int=0, label_col:int=1, suffix:str='',
            header:Optional[Union[int,str]]='infer', **kwargs:Any)->'ImageDataBunch':
        "Create from a csv file in `path/csv_labels`."
        path = Path(path)
        df = pd.read_csv(path/csv_labels, header=header)
        return from_df_ws(path, df, folder=folder, sep=sep, valid_pct=valid_pct,
                fn_col=fn_col, label_col=label_col, suffix=suffix, **kwargs)
tfms = get_transforms(max_rotate=20, max_zoom=1.3, max_lighting=0.4, max_warp=0.4, p_affine=1., p_lighting=1.)
data = from_csv_ws(path=BASE, folder=f'train', csv_labels="train.csv", ds_tfms=tfms, bs=bs, size=sz)