I’ve made a tentative update. Let me know if you get any problem with it.
I’ll test it right away, and will get back to you.
Ok, I’ve just finished testing. And have found a few (easy to solve) issues.
Binary: APScoreBinary and RocAucBinary both work as expected.
Multi-class: RocAuc works well too. But:
* labels=None as a kwarg is missing
* there’s a typo in the description :
It says: "Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve for single-label multi-label classification problems”
when it should be "Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve for single-label multi-class classification problems” -
Multi-label is not working well because a thresh=0.5 has been added. But these are proba-based metrics that don’t require a thresh.
I’ve removed thresh and now they work well.
So they should be:
def RocAuc(axis=-1, average='macro', sample_weight=None, max_fpr=None, multi_class='ovr', labels=None):
"Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve for single-label multi-class classification problems"
assert multi_class in ['ovr', 'ovo']
return skm_to_fastai(skm.roc_auc_score, axis=axis, activation=ActivationType.Softmax, flatten=False, average=average, sample_weight=sample_weight, max_fpr=max_fpr, multi_class=multi_class, labels=labels)
def APScoreMulti(sigmoid=True, average='macro', pos_label=1, sample_weight=None):
"Average Precision for multi-label classification problems"
activation = ActivationType.Sigmoid if sigmoid else ActivationType.No
return skm_to_fastai(skm.average_precision_score, activation=activation, flatten=False,
average=average, pos_label=pos_label, sample_weight=sample_weight)
def RocAucMulti(sigmoid=True, average='macro', sample_weight=None, max_fpr=None):
"Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve for multi-label binary classification problems"
activation = ActivationType.Sigmoid if sigmoid else ActivationType.No
return skm_to_fastai(skm.roc_auc_score, activation=activation, flatten=False,
average=average, sample_weight=sample_weight, max_fpr=max_fpr)
Thanks for investigating all of this. I removed the thresh and fixed the typo.
I’ve retested again and everything works smoothly now
So from my side we can close this.
THANKS a lot @FraPochetti and @sgugger for your work to fix this issue. It’s been a pleasure working with you!
If you have class = {0,1} and you want to use RocAUc
class{0,1} are complementary like cats & dogs.
learn = cnn_learner(dls, resnet34, metrics=[accuracy])
What’s the best way to invoke it?
I don’t see examples here
Hi Gerardo,
Sorry for the late reply, but I was out last week.
- You should select the appropriate metric:
- RocAucBinary: for single-label binary
- RocAuc: for single-label multi-class
- RocAucMulti/ APSMulti: for multi-label
- In your case (binary classification):
learn = cnn_learner(dls, resnet34, metrics=[accuracy, RocAucBinary()])
@oguiza You are always super helpful
What is the purpose of the axis?
Thanks @gerardo.
axis is just a value used by skm_to_fastai, but AFAIK it doesn’t need to be changed for any of the RocAuc variants.
I’m using RocAuc() for the US Income dataset something like this
to = TabularPandas(df, procs=[Categorify, FillMissing,Normalize],
cat_names = ['workclass', 'education', 'marital.status', 'occupation', 'relationship', 'race','sex','native.country'],
cont_names = ["fnlwgt","capital.gain","capital.loss","hours.per.week","age"],
dls = to.dataloaders(bs=64)
learn = tabular_learner(dls, metrics=[RocAuc()])
It’s giving me an error like this
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-59-8fd4c17131d7> in <module>
----> 1 learn = tabular_learner(dls, metrics=[RocAuc()])
<ipython-input-36-803d668dbfd6> in RocAuc(axis, average, sample_weight, max_fpr, multi_class, labels)
56 "Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve for single-label multi-class classification problems"
57 return skm_to_fastai(skm.roc_auc_score, axis=axis, flatten=False, softmax=True, proba=True,
---> 58 average=average, sample_weight=sample_weight, max_fpr=max_fpr, multi_class=multi_class, labels=labels)
60 def RocAucMulti(axis=-1, average='macro', sample_weight=None, max_fpr=None):
<ipython-input-36-803d668dbfd6> in skm_to_fastai(func, is_class, thresh, axis, sigmoid, softmax, proba, **kwargs)
36 sigmoid = sigmoid if sigmoid is not None else (is_class and thresh is not None)
37 return AccumMetric(func, dim_argmax=dim_argmax, sigmoid=sigmoid, softmax=softmax, proba=proba, thresh=thresh,
---> 38 to_np=True, invert_arg=True, **kwargs)
40 def APScore(axis=-1, average='macro', pos_label=1, sample_weight=None):
<ipython-input-36-803d668dbfd6> in __init__(self, func, dim_argmax, sigmoid, softmax, proba, thresh, to_np, invert_arg, flatten, **kwargs)
3 def __init__(self, func, dim_argmax=None, sigmoid=False, softmax=False, proba=False, thresh=None, to_np=False, invert_arg=False,
4 flatten=True, **kwargs):
----> 5 store_attr(self,'func,dim_argmax,sigmoid,softmax,proba,thresh,flatten')
6 self.to_np,self.invert_args,self.kwargs = to_np,invert_arg,kwargs
/opt/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fastcore/basics.py in store_attr(names, self, but, cast, **attrs)
275 if self: args = ('self', *args)
276 else: self = fr.f_locals[args[0]]
--> 277 if not hasattr(self, '__stored_args__'): self.__stored_args__ = {}
278 anno = annotations(self) if cast else {}
279 if not attrs:
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '__stored_args__'
Can someone please guide me where I’m going wrong??
The answer is explained above.
- RocAuc: for single-label multi-class
- RocAucBinary or BinaryRocAuc/ APScoreBinary or BinaryAPScore: for single-label binary
- RocAucMulti/ APSMulti: for multi-label
you may try the correct one like RocAucMulti and see the docs.
Thank you so much dear oguiza
When I use:
def RocAuc(axis=-1, average=‘macro’, sample_weight=None, max_fpr=None, multi_class=‘ovr’, labels=None):
“Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve for single-label multi-class classification problems”
assert multi_class in [‘ovr’, ‘ovo’]
return skm_to_fastai(skm.roc_auc_score, axis=axis, activation=ActivationType.Softmax, flatten=False, average=average, sample_weight=sample_weight, max_fpr=max_fpr, multi_class=multi_class, labels=labels)
The error: "NameError: name 'ActivationType' is not defined" appeared,
What should I add to my model?