Developer chat

I started working on gpu memory utils.

My first need is to make sure I have 8GB free GPU RAM inside fastai_docs/docs_src/, since it will fail with less than that, and I don’t want to waste time/resources, and want the script to tell me if it can tell from the get going it’s not going to succeed.

Should these go into fastai/utils/

These functions I wrote so far on purpose don’t tap into pytorch’s memory maps, because I need those for new processes, so if there is a cached memory somewhere by an idle process it’s not going to work. I need to know the exact available memory not used by pytorch at all.

It’s first draft, so your input on naming, and in/out args are very welcome.

We will probably have a different set of util functions that will measure the memory of the currently running process via pytorch. So those 2 sets should have a distinct naming.

from enum import IntEnum
Memory = IntEnum('Memory', "USED, FREE, TOTAL", start=0)

# returns a list of mem available for each cpu
# [ [used-0, free-0, total-0], [used-1, free-1, total-1] ]
# this function assumes nvidia-smi works and will return [] if this is not the case
def get_gpu_mem():
    "query nvidia-smi for used, free and total memory for each available gpu"
    import subprocess

    mem = []
        cmd = "nvidia-smi --query-gpu=memory.used,, --format=csv,nounits,noheader"
        result =, shell=False, check=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    except: pass
        if result.returncode == 0 and result.stdout:
            output = result.stdout.decode('utf-8')
            mem = [[int(y) for y in x.split(', ')] for x in output.strip().split('\n') ]
    return mem

# return the gpu number that has the most memory, and the free memory
# return [] if no gpus were found
def get_gpu_with_max_free_mem():
    mem = np.array(get_gpu_mem())
    if not len(mem): return []
    id = np.argmax(mem[:,Memory.FREE])
    return (id, mem[id,Memory.FREE])

I temporarily put them inside, so a test run on a single gpu box gives:

python -c "import fastai; print(fastai.utils.collect_env.get_gpu_mem(), fastai.utils.collect_env.get_gpu_with_max_free_mem())"
[[495, 7624, 8119]] (0, 7624)
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