Collaborative note creation and way to proceed?

I know, right? :wink:

This looks pretty good to me!

Yeah even better with dark mode :slight_smile:

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Google docs, the easier the better and it’s pretty nice for real-time coordination of a group while taking notes during the lecture. Collaborating on notebooks would be a separate topic, for notes during lessons I would avoid all github complexities, even for using MD files.

Just to start out, other tools (probably MD on github) should follow.

Naming coordinator / coordinator per lesson could follow along the way, I would try (small timebudget) to help. If @hiromi is in this thread, maybe even she is most the qualified (based on her super cool md lesson write ups ;-)) and her github repo could help distributing this.

I guess one question here is, if we write down word by word (like Hiromis repo) or add & rephrase and restructure as we like. Or we do both and mark the difference. Would tend to think only writing down the exact words is a task soon to be done by a bot :slight_smile: and hence using bulletpoints, adding links and remarks maybe (qualified as such) etc. should be good

Makes sense?

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Hey @Benudek, thanks a lot for your input! It is great to hear from your experience what would work well and what would not.

Right now we are just going to create a signup thread (soon), and people who wish to take the lead could propose in the top wiki post. Then the fellow students can choose whatever proposal they find appealing to contribute to.

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ok, sure. thats fine - I took out the google doc and we could add it later.

As I take notes anyways and hugely benefitted from e.g. Hiromis Notes, keep me posted so can try helping.

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Guys, let me direct your attention to Collaborative Lesson Notes . For all of you who would like to be coordinators, please fill your name in the signup sheet along with other necessary information.

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