Hi, I’m really not sure about what exactly is needed but I managed to solve this error. Here are the things I have done:
- step 0 : install visual studio from the following link : https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads. This is for getting C++ build tools. During the installation, make sure to choose “C++ desktop development” (it takes around 5GB)
- step 1 : install shapely package (thanks mael_08 for testing it)
install shapely via Anaconda Navigator: run Anaconda Navigator, go to Environments tab, click on fastai, select all, and search for shapely. Tick the box, and click Apply. - step 2 : After solving shapely error, if you have an error about fiona, install fiona package through Anaconda Navigator (it worked for me)
Note: I tried conda install #packagename# but I think it installs the packages independently from the expected env. Not sure what to do, better to stick to Anaconda Navigator packages installation method
Note: the first old method I used is the following: from https://github.com/snorfalorpagus/Shapely/tree/anaconda, I went there https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#shapely and installed a shapely .whl file (just use pip install /Shapely-…whl). The file which worked for me was Shapely-1.6.4.post1-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl. I think cp36 is related to the Python version (I got 3.6.x), and amd64 for windows 64.