Here is a current summary of what I’ve been doing and issues I’ve run into:
I’m using Paperspace to work on the class. I originally set up my computer using old instructions (because I did it a week before class). I originally chose the fastai set up paperspace machine. I pulled in course-v3 from github and have gone through the code for lesson one and am working on training my own code.
Some issues I’ve run into - wrong version of PyTorch on my machine - found information to update on official PyTorch website.
I added
import torch
GPU issues -
Running torch.cuda.is_available()
produced FALSE
After troubleshooting I restarted my instance. That worked.
Issues with normalize:
ValueError: padding_mode needs to be 'zeros' or 'border', but got reflection
Added padding_mode='zeros'
to ImageDataBunch.
I’m ready to start playing with my own dataset. I’ve found one I like on kaggle that I want to try out first. Has anyone worked with adding labels from a csv to categorize images? Any help would be much appreciated.
I was successful in using lavels from csv using the following code:
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
path = Path("/home/paperspace/data/DecorPatterns/images/")
df = pd.read_csv("/home/paperspace/data/DecorPatterns/decor.csv")
df1 = df[['file', 'decor']]
df1.columns = ['name', 'label']
data = ImageDataBunch.from_df(path, df1, size=224)