Binder and Fastai2


how did you make to display directly the voila output when we click on launch binder from here: ?

I created a similar application here:

but to see the voila output we need to:
click on launch binder --> click on the jupyter notebook --> click on voila

When I deployed the repository in mybinder I used:
Path to a notebook file (optional): /voila/render/emotion_classifier.ipynb

Try this instead:

For repository: enricodata/emotion-faces (no need for https… and the/ after faces)

For notebook file: (make sure URL chosen): /voila/render/emotion_classifier.ipynb (same as what you have currently).

This should work

I tried and the result is the same:

Or should I had any specific script to the repository?

The url to copy is present in binder before deploying the app at the bottom. Let me know if you need a screenshot @enr

This is the link that I get from binder before deploying:

it still shows all the jupyter environment

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I had this problem as well. When I clicked on your link it has filePath in it as a query parameter. You want urlPath like this:

When you are entering the input to the text box labeled Path to a notebook file (optional), you want to change the dropdown from File to URL. The label above the box will change to URL to open (optional). After you click launch, you will be redirected to a deployment page with urlPath instead of filePath in the URL.

Change File to URL.


thank you. This solved the issue

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Thanks for the comment. It happened to me too, but I forgot to add it in the steps.
@Albertotono Hey Alberto, I think you might wanna add a step for Christian’s comment on changing File to URL. I edited my binder tips post (in lessons 2) to reflect the addition.

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I still have this issue. My binder link is give NO FOUND ERROR but from my other binder link I have access to my files and run mywebapp.ipynb and it works . see the screenshot

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Sure, It is a wiki post this one, so we can all modify to make it more useful for others, thanks @DanielLam

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Thanks a lot for your help, I don’t know why it still not working with me. It’s my first time to use widgets, and it’s frustrating! I got another error because on-click is not defined. Although I have this line in my code:
from ipywidgets import widgets

Hi @SMEissa,

I have not use observe method before. If you update btn_upload.observe(on_click, names=['data']) to btn_upload.on_click(on_click_classify), it should work.

You pass a function on_click_classify that will be called when you click on the button.

You can see an example here:

If others have used observe before, then please chime in!

Also, I think you will need to add the following import for it to work properly.

from import *

I went through this page and it didn’t work, maybe it’s Google colab problem, did it work with paperspace? I don’t want to spend doing all the project again and don’t work

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I did it with google colab and it worked

I wrote here the steps that I followed:

thanks for these steps @Albertotono - I followed the steps here, however when trying to run the notebook on binder (step4),I seem to get an error that states "can’t get attribute. ‘_ConstantFunc’ on <module ‘fastai2.learner’ from ‘/srv/conda/envs/notebook/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fastai2/’>

any insight? @sgugger fyi

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This is a thing that has been added recently for some exporting errors, so I’d guess you don’t have the same version of fastai2 on your binder.

so if i update fastai2 in my repo and put it on binder, it should work?

You need the same version where you export your model and where you deploy it.

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