Beginner: Basics of fastai, PyTorch, numpy, etc ✅

Hi Yacine,

You pass the number of epochs you want the model to train, aka the number of times the models gets to improve using the entire dataset.

For more details, have a look at my answer here: "fine_tune" vs. "fit_one_cycle" - #7 by zerotosingularity

1 Like

thanks a lot ! checking your linked answer right now

Small update: in v2.7.12 (PyTorch 2.0.0) you can use the PILImage again to make a prediction:

img_file = "my_image.jpg"
img = PILImage.create(img_file)


is_bird,_,probs = learn.predict(PILImage.create('bird.jpg'))
print(f"This is a: {is_bird}.")
print(f"Probability it's a bird: {probs[0]:.4f}")

For this last cell in Lesson 1’s code, how do we know which index of probs is referring to bird? I tried a very simple change in the notebook by changing all the ‘bird’ to ‘dog’ but to get the relevant prediction I had to use ‘probs[1]’ instead of ‘probs[0]’. What gives?

To match the probability with the corresponding index, change the first line to

is_bird, index, probs = learn.predict(PILImage.create('bird.jpg'))

and in the last line, use that index as {probs[index]:.4f}`.

It will take care of the issue itself without us bothering what to put!

Here is what happens behind the scenes.


I want to create an instance of ResNet for 3D, 1-channel images (MRIs). All the examples and libraries seem to assume 2D and/or 3-channel images.

How do I an instance of ResNet for 3D, 1-channel images?


Perhaps the Faimed3D extensions (or members in that topic can help.)

I was trying to run this cell in the fourth notebook of the book :

im3_t = tensor(im3)
df = pd.DataFrame(im3_t[4:15,4:22])**{‘font-size’:‘6pt’}).background_gradient(‘Greys’)

and got this error :

AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/IPython/core/ in call(self, obj)
343 method = get_real_method(obj, self.print_method)
344 if method is not None:
→ 345 return method()
346 return None
347 else:

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/io/formats/ in repr_html(self)
381 Hooks into Jupyter notebook rich display system, which calls repr_html by
382 default if an object is returned at the end of a cell.
→ 383 “”"
384 if get_option(“styler.render.repr”) == “html”:
385 return self.to_html()

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/io/formats/ in to_html(self, buf, table_uuid, table_attributes, sparse_index, sparse_columns, bold_headers, caption, max_rows, max_columns, encoding, doctype_html, exclude_styles, **kwargs)
1306 Whether to sparsify the display of a hierarchical index. Setting to False
1307 will display each explicit level element in a hierarchical key for each
→ 1308 column. Defaults to pandas.options.styler.sparse.columns value.
1310 … versionadded:: 1.4.0

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/io/formats/ in _render_html(self, sparse_index, sparse_columns, max_rows, max_cols, **kwargs)
203 Renders the Styler including all applied styles to HTML.
204 Generates a dict with necessary kwargs passed to jinja2 template.
→ 205 “”"
206 d = self._render(sparse_index, sparse_columns, max_rows, max_cols, " ")
207 d.update(kwargs)

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/io/formats/ in _render(self, sparse_index, sparse_columns, max_rows, max_cols, blank)
160 Also extends the ctx and ctx_index attributes with those of concatenated
161 stylers for use within _translate_latex
→ 162 “”"
163 self._compute()
164 dxs = []

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/io/formats/ in _compute(self)
255 self.ctx_columns.clear()
256 r = self
→ 257 for func, args, kwargs in self._todo:
258 r = func(self)(*args, **kwargs)
259 return r

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/io/formats/ in _apply(self, func, axis, subset, **kwargs)
1665 “hidden_rows”,
1666 “hidden_columns”,
→ 1667 “ctx”,
1668 “ctx_index”,
1669 “ctx_columns”,

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/ in apply(self, func, axis, raw, result_type, args, **kwargs)
9421 Apply a function along an axis of the DataFrame.
→ 9423 Objects passed to the function are Series objects whose index is
9424 either the DataFrame’s index (axis=0) or the DataFrame’s columns
9425 (axis=1). By default (result_type=None), the final return type

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/ in apply(self)
676 # “Union[Series, DataFrame, GroupBy[Any], SeriesGroupBy,
677 # DataFrameGroupBy, BaseWindow, Resampler]”; expected “Union[DataFrame,
→ 678 # Series]”
679 return self.obj.index # type:ignore[arg-type]

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/ in apply_standard(self)
796 “”"
797 we have an empty result; at least 1 axis is 0
→ 798
799 we will try to apply the function to an empty
800 series in order to see if this is a reduction function

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/ in apply_series_generator(self)
812 from pandas import Series
→ 814 if not should_reduce:
815 try:
816 if self.axis == 0:

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/core/ in f(x)
132 self.result_type = result_type
→ 133
134 # curry if needed
135 if (

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pandas/io/formats/ in _background_gradient(data, cmap, low, high, text_color_threshold, vmin, vmax, gmap, text_only)
3627 -------
3628 self : Styler
→ 3629
3630 See Also
3631 --------

AttributeError: ‘ColormapRegistry’ object has no attribute ‘get_cmap’

Hey, your code looks correct, and the error log indicates that the libraries pandas and matplotlib have difficulties talking to each other. So this seems like a dependency issue. Maybe you don’t have the current versions of libraries installed?

You can update them with !pip install -Uqq pandas matplotlib (here, U means upgrade and qq means do a quite update, ie don’t give me any logs). Run this command in jupyter and try again. Does it work then?

Afaik, there is no pre-built 3D-resnet in fastai (or anywhere else, really).

So you would have to adapt the resnet architecture to use nn.Conv3d instead of nn.Conv2d and train from scratch.

1 Like

Hello, I cannot start the course from the beginning. When I reach the part of the code :sparkles:
from duckduckgo_search import ddg_images
from fastcore.all import *

def search_images(term, max_images=200): return L(ddg_images(term, max_results=max_images)).itemgot(‘image’) and the I call : urls = search_images(“dog images”, max_images=10)
print(urls[0]) I get a 403 (Forbidden message back). It has been some days I am stuck here contary to aking even form chatGPT?


The latest version of DuckDuckGo Search API follows a different format.

Can you try the following code snippet?
It worked for me now.

from duckduckgo_search import DDGS
from fastcore.all import *

def search_images(term, max_images=200): 
    return L(DDGS().images(term, max_results=max_images)).itemgot("image")
urls = search_images("dog images", max_images=10)