A Brief Guide to Test Sets in v2 (you can do labelled now too!)

Hi everyone,

I was having some troubles doing test sets in v2 so I decided to make a brief tutorial notebook for doing so. This is two-fold, first to show what test sets can be, and second to show that we can now have labelled test sets! My notebook is available here

A detailed walk-through is below:
Create your DataLoader using your test set. In my example notebook I use the ADULTs dataset.

to = TabularPandas(df_main, procs, cat_names, cont_names, y_names="salary", splits=splits)
dls = to.dataloaders()
test_dl = dls.test_dl(df_test, with_labels=True)

From here, we can pass in this new DataLoader into learn.get_preds() and learn.validate() and utilize both functionalities as so:

preds = learn.get_preds(dl=test_dl)

and it’s as simple as that! If you are worried about it not aligning, you can check yourself by doing:

accuracy(preds[0], preds[1])

And it should align with the accuracy you achieved with learn.validate(dl=test_dl)

Hope this helps someone! :slight_smile:


Thank you @muellerzr for sharing. There is a small typo:

dbuch = to.databunch() should be replaced by:
dbch = to.databunch() in order to be consistent with:
learn = Learner(dbch, model, CrossEntropyLossFlat(), opt_func=opt_func, metrics=accuracy)

Otherwise the latter line will prompt the following error:
NameError: name 'dbch' is not defined

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Thanks! I found another one too with dbunch_test. Updated. Runs fine through and through now :slight_smile:

A follow-up to my previous message:

dbunch_test = to_test.databunch(shuffle_train=False) should also be replaced by:
dbch_test = to_test.databunch(shuffle_train=False) in order to be consistent with:
preds = learn.get_preds(dl=dbch_test.train_dl)

Also, the markdown line should be changed accordingly (really minor typo but just to be consistent):

We can pass in our dbch_test’s dataloader (either train_dl or valid_dl) in the dl argument for both and it will operate on them!

Thanks. Fixed. Also found an inconsistency I hadn’t updated regarding just using test_dl without generating the test databunch (and wasting memory)

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Is there an easy way to use an image test set with labels as well? I am trying to use
test_dl() so that the validation transforms are applied to the test set but I cannot figure out a way to include the labels. Currently I am manually extracting them as shown below

# construct the test data loader
test_items = get_image_files(path_to_test_set)
test_dl_ = test_dl(dbunch_val, test_items)
# manually extract the labels for the test set
y_labels = L(map(parent_label,test_items))
_,o2i = uniqueify(y_labels, sort=True, bidir=True)
y = torch.from_numpy(np.array(L(map(o2i.get,y_labels))))
# check the accuracy
preds = learn.get_preds(dl=test_dl_)

You should be just creating a labeled dataloader for your images and then passing it into get_preds and that’s it. Or validate.

Do you have this working with images, if so what type of data loader do you use, I have tried TfmdDL with many variations of the following without success?

tfms = [[PILImage.create], [parent_label, Categorize()]]
dsrc = DataSource(test_items,tfms)
tdl = TfmdDL(dsrc, bs=8, after_item=[Resize(224), ToTensor(), IntToFloatTensor()],
             after_batch=[Cuda(), IntToFloatTensor(),Normalize(*imagenet_stats)],num_workers=0)

I have also tried

tdl = dbunch.valid_dl.new(dsrc)

but it looks like the training and not the validation transforms are being applied when I look at the images with


Hi @cudawarped, it’s much simpler than that! So lets say that we have a dbunch already made. Say from the PETs dataset like so:

dbunch = pets.databunch(untar_data(URLs.PETS)/"images", item_tfms=RandomResizedCrop(460, min_scale=0.75), bs=32,
                        batch_tfms=[*aug_transforms(size=224, max_warp=0), Normalize(*imagenet_stats)])

Where pets is a DataBlock. We can then grab some file names (I’ll use the entirety of the PETs dataset):

fnames = get_image_files(untar_data(URLs.PETS))

and then we can make our dataloader like so:

dl = test_dl(dbunch, fnames)

You should then be able to do a learn.validate(dl=dl) and run it. I can’t verify as of right now due to a bug (I believe) but that should do it!

Hi, thanks for the quick reply.

That is what I originally tried but the labels are missing. The label transform is removed because a test set usually won’t contain labels. If I add it again then the training not the validation augmentation transforms appear to be applied when I call show_batch().

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Ahh yes. Very true. That’s an unlabeled test set. @sgugger is there a way to go about this? I’m trying to look around to see an easy way like how there was for tabular but I didn’t see any. Perhaps add an option to label in test_dl? Or is there a method for doing so with the DataBlock that I’m not quite seeing.

To change the transforms applied, you may need to use the context manager:

with my_dl.set_split_idx(1):
    do things with my_dl

1 is for the validation set, 0 is for the training set.

Also, you can normally pass a split_idx to a DataSource (again, 0 for training set, 1 for validation set).

@sgugger I think I follow you. So for example with the test_dl I made earlier, I could then apply a label transform to have a labeled dataloader?

No, this is just to change the behavior of the transforms (when they are different on the training vs validation set). You can’t add new transforms with this.

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On this point, I figured out how to make it work. (I’ll include this in WWF2):

First make your test_set:

tst_set = test_set(learn.dbunch.valid_ds, tst_imgs)

Then we need to add a labelling TfmdList (this can be anything you want)

val_tfmdlist = TfmdList(tst_imgs, tfms=[parent_label, Categorize])

Finally, add to the tls in our tst_set


And now you can simply do:

dl = dbunch.valid_dl.new(tst_set)

@sgugger was there an easier way of doing something I may have overlooked?

Do you think it’s a good idea to move to v2 right now if I’ve only got to lesson 3 in the fastai course or do you suggest sticking with v1 until v2 is more developed? Are the benefits of v2 obvious to you? Thank you for your effort :smiley:

I’d say go until lesson 4, when you’re comfortable with how it all works (tabular and images) and then you can start to move over! :slight_smile: Especially so you understand as a whole how fastai v1 is working, as v2 is very similar. In terms of benefits, absolutely there are tons of reasons why I prefer the v2 library over v1! (hence why I started the study group, to help others out with migrating :slight_smile: )

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Hats off, you’re a great person.

It seems a bit weird to do it this way. You know you can have several validation sets in a DataSource/DataBunch? Just send all the items and a list of three splits instead of two.

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I figured I may have done something inefficiently. I’ll try that :slight_smile: