Welcome MOOC students!

Welcome to the forums for the fast.ai Practical Deep Learning For Coders MOOC! These forums were also used for the in-person course we taught in conjunction with USF Data Institute, so they are already lots of interesting discussions and helpful answers.

If you are working through our online course, you will see that there is a link to the appropriate forum thread for each lesson from the website. If you have a question, be sure to first search to see if it’s already answered, and to see if there is already a relevant thread you can ask it on. Note that when you start creating a new topic, discourse will let you know of similar topics that already exist. If you see something close, please head to that thread instead of creating a new topic, to help other students find answers to their questions. Remember, when you ask or answer a question here, you’re contributing to a knowledge base that the whole community benefits from!

We use Discourse (a free, open source discussion platform) for these forums, and discourse relies on a system of trust levels. New users can only create a topic after they first spend 10 minutes (total) reading at least 3 different posts on the forum. We have these limits in place to encourage you to get acquainted a bit with the discussions and some of the existing content before you start posting, and to discourage spammers. After spending 10 minutes reading at least 3 different posts, your “trust level” will automatically increase. Discourse also has some rate limits about how quickly you can post. (At this point you’ll also be able to view a previously hidden post about how to join our slack channel.)

This topic is now a banner. It will appear at the top of every page until it is dismissed by the user.

For those of you that took the in-person course at USF, I just wanted to let you know that we launched the MOOC today. It’s at http://course.fast.ai . So we may be getting some new faces appearing here in the coming days! Let’s do what we can to help them out. :slight_smile:

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