Using Pretrained Models from Cadene repository

Hi all. I wrote a notebook to share how one could use any pretrained models in Pytorch. Fastai itself has a lot of pretrained models. There is also the fantastic library by Cadene which has a lot of pretrained models on imagenet. I show how to use them with the fastai library.

Link to the notebook:

Feel free to create an issue if there is something amiss, or report it here.



This problem has plagued me very much, thank you very much.!

Vary helpful.
I was quite confuse about these problems before.

Is there any way to easily use these pre-trained models in fastai 1.0 too?

Can I use these pretrained models in the current version of fastai?

How can this be used with the latest version of fastai - 1.0.54? Any help will be much appreciated. Present learner seems to have support for below but not Cadene Repo:

models.resnet18 :{**_resnet_meta}, models.resnet34: {**_resnet_meta},
models.resnet50 :{**_resnet_meta}, models.resnet101:{**_resnet_meta},
models.densenet121:{**_densenet_meta}, models.densenet169:{**_densenet_meta},
models.densenet201:{**_densenet_meta}, models.densenet161:{**_densenet_meta},
models.vgg16_bn:{**_vgg_meta}, models.vgg19_bn:{**_vgg_meta},

Got reply to this on another thread - this could work.

This is a really great job!