Lesson 1 In-Class Discussion

I installed anaconda on Windows and I want to double check how to run it. Right now, I just open up the “anaconda prompt” program from the start menu and type all of the commands on there. Is there anything else I need to do?

Definitely helps. I was actually able to solve it with this: Lesson 1 In-Class Discussion, but how would I change that to use the pip3 in the conda env?

You do git pull next time

Good here in Greece!

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And…we’re back!

Is it possible to install tmux and iterm2 in crestle ? I tried but it requires root permissions.

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Can somebody send link to live video to all International FEllows?


Try this:

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Most deep learning is based on gradient descent/back-propagation. Why is Geoffrey Hinton saying back-propagation should be “thrown away”?


Request to switch team. I know a person who belongs to my city but in the different group. In-person meetings can be more useful.

Isn’t AlphaGo based on reinforcement learning and Monte Carlo Search Tree, what part is the deep learning CNN?

Thanks. I mean send via email, as lots of people cant access the forum.

What happened to the live stream? it dropped, and when I refresh, it is just showing the recorded verion.

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I have a long drive to work. Any good podcasts I should be looking at? Right now I signed up for Data Skeptic but didn’t know if there were other recommendations.

is there a live stream link?


The live stream is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDq5OXsLO3U

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Check this