Lesson 1 In-Class Discussion

I have the same issue. Hopefully all will be revealed once class begins!

For what its worth, I copied the git repository into a sub-directory, which is the same structure as the repo. In the root if the directory is a yml file, I issued the following command and it built a new environment for me - there were no errors reported:

conda env create -f environment.yml

I then activated the environment (command source activate fastai), and navigated down to the dl1 sub-directory where today’s lessons Jupyter Notebook is located, and started the notebook server. Then, finally, linked to the running server and from lesson1 notebook I attempted to import from fastai.imports as outlined by KevinB, and got the same error.

Obviously missing an important step here :slight_smile:

pip install isoweek

As an alternative, the lesson is pre-loaded on Crestle.

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You can do a > conda list to see what packages are installed to see if the packages its complaining about are even there.

Are you geting the new lessons on Crestle? I only have the old ones :frowning:

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I think you can get the environment set up with the following command:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Use this in the cloned directory that have the environment.yml file…



Open the terminal and git clone the fastai repo:

git clone https://github.com/fastai/fastai.git

That should get you everything you need. Personally, I’m wating to see how the evening plays out … watch/participate in class and then put together an environment on AWS over the next couple of days.


git clone https://github.com/fastai/fastai.git


What happened if you do

and after few days you do it again?

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you do
git pull


@gerardo do “git pull” to get latest changes

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I don’t know but it probably won’t be good.

If you already cloned the repo, just cd into the fastai folder and do a > git pull to get the latest of everything.

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Its because you do not have isoweek installed on your system. Please do pip install isoweek or conda install isoweek, and try again, problem should be resolved

If you’re cloning it in the same directory where you cloned it previously, you’ll get an error saying “destination already exists”.
I think you want to ask about updating the local repository? In that case, do a git pull inside the fastai directory to get changes.


Hey Team 154 buddies!
@vikram , @Vishucyrus, @vrajjshah, @hungle9, @kora

I tried conda but it isn’t a conda package. I had tried pip3, but since my environment has 3.5 installed it isn’t recognizing it.

International fellows: let us know if there are any problems with the stream

stream is good!


no problem for now.

It’s great here.