Exercises & general overview: Python, Numpy, Pandas, MatplotLib

I want fast.ai community to grow & I promised myself to be active here :grin:

Jeremy & Rachel always say that practice is the key, so, here we are:

  1. Intro to DS with Python : good overview
  2. 100 Numpy exercises 3 levels: simple, medium, hard
  3. Pandas exercises :+1:
  4. 100 pandas puzzles

After spending more than a few minutes puzzling over numpy array behavior lately, this is just what I needed to clarify my understanding. Thanks for posting.

Thanks Yanis thatโ€™s great!

Have you got some good tutorial of matplotlib?


Hi !

Corey Schaferโ€™s tutorials are pretty good and he has made several on Matplotlib recently (link)

(His OOP tutorials are also really great)

Hope that helps !

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Thanks a lot.