Any Ideas on how to modify Resnet with Images that have 2 channels?

No no, thats fine. Check how do you do id column and then take a look at this line:

df.index = [i.split('.jpg')[0].split('/')[-1] for i in data.test_dl.dataset.fnames]


ahhh sure enough when I look at data.test_dl.dataset.fnames the order is different from the submission file! Iā€™ll have to resort the predictions it seemsā€¦thanks!!


Sure. That would be great.

Please send me your kaggle ids, I will send invites

Did anyone get less than .207 as a loss in this comp? I reached it, but when I added augmentation it made it worse and reached 2.18 (Though my local validation is done better with 89% accuracy). I lost here, now I am trying to find what makes the difference between my local validation and the test set.

Thanks @jeremy for the wonderful start, without your Mooc I would not even submit one entry, Now I am on top 28%.

OK now it looks rightā€¦ :slight_smile:


Nice job!

Which comp @jamesrequa ?

My kaggle id: jamesrequa


Dog breedā€¦

@sermakarevich also from our class is ranked even higher at 8th place :slight_smile:


Great work James.

Congrats to you for an even better score!

Haha mine was supposed to be 1 submission that somehow turned into 4ā€¦thanks for your help with sorting out that part :slight_smile:

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Did your issue just end up being that your filenames werenā€™t matched up to the images?

@KevinB Yep! Always remember to look at data.test_dl.dataset.fnames to make sure the sorting of the test files and hence also the predictions ordering is what you expected them to be!

Thatā€™s burned me twice and it was exactly how you were describing. Training awesome, Validation awesome, testing absolute garbage.I was using kerasā€™ flow_from_directory and I was able to just set shuffle=false to fix it, but I havenā€™t dug into these libraries enough to know if there is an equivalent. Ok I am not crazy - I seen you here :slight_smile: Thanks for this sharing, it helped me a lot.

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Aha that was a fun compā€¦Glad you were able to get something out of it! And look now you are teaching me :slight_smile:

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While trying to predict on test set, I am getting the following error:

Did you guys also face the same issue ?