YAML file bug?

Is there a problem with the main.yml file?

It fails when run on github.

Here is the output. If I understand correctly the next line that is run after echo “git status is not clean” is echo “Trying to strip out notebooks”, but we do not see that output. It is exiting in failure before that, and hence there is no valid error message as to why the clean failed.

Run echo “Check we are starting with clean git checkout”
echo “Check we are starting with clean git checkout”
if [ -n “$(git status -uno s)” ]; then echo “git status is not clean”; false; fi
echo “Trying to strip out notebooks”
echo “Check that strip out was unnecessary”
git status -s # display the status to see which nbs need cleaning up
if [ -n “$(git status -uno -s)” ]; then echo -e “!!! Detected unstripped out notebooks\n!!!Remember to run nbdev_install_git_hooks”; false; fi
shell: /bin/bash -e {0}
pythonLocation: /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.6.12/x64
Check we are starting with clean git checkout
git status is not clean
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

Are you using the latest version of nbdev?

I was previously advised to update to the latest version, this
Name: nbdev
Version: 0.2.20

I take it from other replies that this is no longer the latest version?

Is there somewhere I can track the latest version and the changes?

You can see the release notes on GitHub