Using unet_learner on tiff volume

Hi guys,

I want to test unet_learner against another U-net implementation that I’ve built.

I’m scratching my head on how to load the tiff volume and label files that I have.

Here are the files and the paths that I use to load them using imageio.

train_volume_path = ''
train_labels_path = ''

Here’s an attempt of what I’ve tried: creating a DataBunch out of two DataLoader and my own SegmentationDataset. It’s not working. Any advice? I’m going through the camvid tutorial while I write this.

If you want to use the Dataset class with fastai, you should check this (you’re missing the c attribute here). You really should be creating your custom ItemList and the data block API to benefit from everything the library has to offer.

Thanks for the reply! I’ve been reading on the data block API and it solves several problems that I had.