_url2path Question

Currently, _url2path is defined as such:

def _url2path(url, c_key=ConfigKey.Archive):
    fname = url.split('/')[-1]
    local_path = URLs.LOCAL_PATH/('models' if c_key==ConfigKey.Model else 'data')/fname
    if local_path.exists(): return local_path
    return get_path(c_key)/fname

My question is, why do we look at local_path before we return get_path(c_key)/fname?

My thought is that we should always return the get_path(c_key)/fname path so that it behaves consistently. Curious to get everybody else’s thoughts on this.

My proposed change:

def _url2path(url, c_key=ConfigKey.Archive):
    fname = url.split('/')[-1]
    return get_path(c_key)/fname

I guess it checks if the file is already downloaded. If we already have the file, we would just pull that file from local.

We look at local path because the reop comes with 4 of the tiny datasets. That way they are already there for the tests in the CI, which then doesn’t rely on downloading them again.

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