TabularLearner.predict can't convert np.ndarray of type numpy.object_

I used my tabular data to train a deep learning model, but when I tried to predict, I got this error: can't convert np.ndarray of type numpy.object_. The only supported types are: float64, float32, float16, .... The code line was row, clas, probs = learn.predict(df_nn_final.iloc[0]), and the data line was E290 1.0 F119 1.0 F123 1.0 lnge_num 13.0 E225 10.0 F132 1.0 E226 5.0 ivdate 20180331.0 X003 54.0 E233 10.0 intrvwr_id 4.0 E116 1.0 E235 8.0 X002 1964.0 F118 1.0 E228 10.0 ivlength 50.0 E179_WVS7 NaN gwght 0.965641 F120 1.0 E039 1.0 F144_02 1.0 F121 1.0 F122 10.0 E229 5.0 cntry 8 E037 10.0 F063 10.0 E111_01 1.0 E233A 5.0 cntry_AN AL E236 NaN A008 1.0 A009 3.0 A170 8.0 A173 8.0 accept_unethical 1.0 Name: 101, dtype: object Thanks for any help with this.