Study group for the 2022 course?

Edit from Jeremy: I’ve made this into a Wiki topic so you can edit this post to add info about upcoming study groups

Hi all! I reached up to lesson 6 in the previous course, but thinking about starting afresh.
Is there anyone interested in starting a study group?

from @Tinsae
A study group channel named #fast-bunnies is created for us in the fastai discord server.

  • Topic to be covered: Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2022
  • Meeting time: Every Sunday at 8:00 AM GMT

from @arunslb123
We are currently running a study group in Brisbane Beginners Python and Machine Learning meetups every Tuesday 5.30 pm - 7 pm Brisbane GMT + 10 hours


I definitely would be! I’m starting over as well after taking a break for a few weeks :sweat_smile:


Yes, I am interested in being in a study group!

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I’m about the same stage as you. I’m interested in a study group.

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I am also interested in a study group

I’m also interested in a study group!

I am interested. Did you already create a group? I went through Jeremy’s courses a few years back (I think the first two iterations) and actually code in PyTorch/TF.

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I’d be interested.

Would be interested as well!

I watched the first lecture today but haven’t worked on the homework yet.
This my first time taking this course and I have a lot to learn!
I would love to join a study group!

I am also interested in a study group

I am interested as well

I watched the first lecture yesterday and will do the homework today.
I would like to join the study group.
I am on the EU timezones

I started the 2022 course today and would love to participate in this study group.

how does study group work?

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You watch the lectures on your own, do the homework/project for the week. Then everyone does a virtual meetup (over Zoom etc) and the end of the week to discuss what you did, clarify any issue regarding a particular concept etc.

Repeat for every chapter until the course is completed.

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Yeah sure!

Starting the course for the first time as well. Definitely interested in a Study Group! :closed_book:
EU Timezones, usually tackling the course between 17 and 19 CEST / UTC+2

Any discord server?

Hi, guys:

I am also very interested in joining a study group and go through the whole course together.

I have mainly used TensorFlow and PyTorch previously for image classification models.

Yeah very much in!!!