Small models: Road to the Top, Part 2 failing in kaggle

I’m trying to follow Jeremy’s “Small models: Road to the Top, Part 2” in kaggle but this is failing since, according to the log, “pip’s dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed …”

I’d appreciate it if somebody could tell me why this is happening and how I can correct it

Many thanks

All the best


I believe that’s a warning, not an error.

Hello Jeremy

Many thanks for taking the trouble to respond; much appreciated. It’s a very helpful series of notebooks which I’m using to help my submission to the RSNA Mammography competition. I’ve also found the Deep Learning For Coders book and course to be invaluable

The logs indicated it was an error and “Save and Run All (Commit)” failed so I assumed it was an error as “train_loss”, “valid_loss” and “error_rate” were all showing up as 0 at step 7

Anyway I ran it again and it worked OK untill step 9 when I got


All the best
