Optimizing robots.txt

Dear All,

Greetings everyone!

Forgive me if this question has already been answered but I can’t seem to find my robots.txt file. I know my blog has one because this link is valid but I really want to optimize it so that my blog is more search friendly. I’ve checked every folder and I just can’t seem to find it.


No idea. I did some Google Searching for “Jekyll robots.txt” and seems like you may want to do something like this: https://medium.com/@vilcins/optimize-your-jekyll-powered-website-with-these-simple-steps-b2a24d66a629

Fastpages has the sitemap plugin enabled, so perhaps it’s done through this.

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I followed the instructions on his page and it (nearly) worked like a charm :slight_smile: The only difference was I had to add my actual url rather than relying on the the code to do it for me.

What I mean is this:
Sitemap: {{ site.url }}/sitemap.xml

Resulted in this:
Sitemap: https://educatorsrlearners.github.io/sitemap.xml

Instead of this:
Sitemap: https://educatorsrlearners.github.io/an-a-z-of-machine-learning/sitemap.xml

Once again, thank you so much for your help with this issue and for all that you do.