Online Study Group Germany/West Europe

Hello all,
I’m Koushik and I’m going through Part 1 atm and i think it would be even better if we could do it in a small group of motivated people regardless of Fast AI experience.

The idea is to keep ourselves accountable, set weekly goals, sharing projects , weekly calls for help and inspiration, occasional meetups etc.

I’ve been in a bigger discord servers before and it’s easy to get lost there so i prefer a small group of people (about 10-15) so it’s not intimidating.

Comment down if you want to join the group and also write which platform you would prefer(discord, telegram, whatsapp) and your Country/timezone
Once there are 4-5 people , i will start the group.


If I’m not too late from the party, I’d be interested


I’m Vincent
-timezone: Europe/Paris
-preferred platforms: Signal or discord
