I managed to overcome this, here’s what I found:
- bcolz isn’t being imported due to some obscure jupyter kernel error. Fixed by running this command (with the appropriate conda env. already activated):
jupyter kernelspec install-self --user
apparently this command is deprecated, but it woked for me… - theano will give you import errors due to an environment variable not set. You need to permanently set the environment variable like so:
sudo nano /etc/environment
(add line: MKL_THREADING_LAYER=GNU) save file, then
sudo reboot now
Here’s the step-by-step process that got Lesson1 running on my paperspace:
Creating the basic paperspace account:
- Create basic fast.ai ubuntu image + static ip option
- Delete data folder from desktop (to free up necessary space)
- change default password using
1 - set jupyter pw:jupyter notebook password
2 - Set inbound ip to ‘*’ and allow password certification in options (set to True):
sudo nano ~/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py
3 - Open firewall for jupyter: sudo ufw allow 8888
4 - Set environment variable (for theano to import properly)
sudo nano /etc/environment
5 - reboot for environment variable to take effect (sudo reboot now
6 - Install dependencies (see below)
conda create -n fastai python=2.7 pip
source activate fastai
conda install matplotlib pillow tensorflow pandas scikit-learn bcolz sympy h5py
conda install -c mila-udem -c mila-udem/label/pre theano pygpu
conda install -c conda-forge blas
pip install keras==1.2.2
conda install jupyter
jupyter kernelspec install-self --user
source deactivate
source activate fastai
jupyter notebook
To log into your notebook, point your browser (using YOUR computer, not paperspace) to:
Then log in using the jupyter password you set up in step 1.
Good luck, let me know if this works for you.