LSTM forward method issue

Trying to create a simple LSTM model and work with FastAI framework but failed.

class SimpleLSTM(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim, bs):
        self.input_dim = input_dim
        self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
        self.output_dim = output_dim = bs
        self.lstm = nn.LSTM(self.input_dim, self.hidden_dim)
        self.linear = nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim, self.output_dim)
    def forward(self, *inputs):
        print(f'in[0]: {inputs[0].shape}')
        out, self.h = self.lstm(inputs[0].view(1,, self.input_dim))
        y_pred = self.linear(out)
        return y_pred[-1]

This module works when I feed the raw data to the model, but it failed when I initialize it with Learner module.

It complaints that the shape of data is wrong. Here the full code

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import pandas as pd
import fastai
from fastai.tabular import *

size = 200
bs = 64
X = torch.randn(size, 5)
y = (X.T[0] * 1.2 + X.T[1] * 4.2 + X.T[2] * 0.56 + X.T[3] * 0.12 + X.T[4] * 7.2 + torch.randn(size)).view(size, 1)
valid_ratio = 0.2
valid_samples = int(valid_ratio * size)
print(f'X.shape: {X.shape}')
print(f'y.shape: {y.shape}')
df = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(, pd.DataFrame(], axis=1)
df.columns = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'y']

class SimpleLSTM(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, output_dim, bs):
        self.input_dim = input_dim
        self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
        self.output_dim = output_dim = bs
        self.lstm = nn.LSTM(self.input_dim, self.hidden_dim)
        self.linear = nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim, self.output_dim)
    def forward(self, *inputs):
        print(f'in[0]: {inputs[0].shape}')
        out, self.h = self.lstm(inputs[0].view(1,, self.input_dim))
        y_pred = self.linear(out)
        return y_pred[-1]

model = SimpleLSTM(input_dim=5, hidden_dim=100, output_dim=1, bs=bs)

out = model(X[:bs])
print(f'out shape: {out.shape}')
out = model(X[:bs])
print(f'out shape: {out.shape}')

procs = [Normalize]
valid_idx = range(len(df)-valid_samples, len(df))
dep_var = 'y'
data = TabularDataBunch.from_df('.', df, dep_var, valid_idx=valid_idx, procs=procs, bs=bs)
learner = Learner(data, model)

My observation is FastAI will feed two parameters one with shape (bs, ), another one with shape (bs, input_dim). Why does it pass the (bs, ) parameter?