Lesson 7 Issue creating basic cnn for colour images?

In lesson 7 Jeremy shows how to create a basic CNN with batchnorm using grayscale images. I was attempting to emulate this but using colour images (3 channels), however the model summary shows 192 instead of 12. What did I do wrong?

  xb, yb = data.one_batch()
  xb.shape, yb.shape
(torch.Size([32, 3, 128, 128]), torch.Size([32]))

def conv(ni, nf): return nn.Conv2d(ni, nf, 3, stride=2, padding=1)
model = nn.Sequential(
    conv(3, 12), # 64
    conv(12, 24), # 32
    conv(24, 48), # 16
    conv(48, 24), # 8
    conv(24, 12), # 4
    Flatten() # remove (4,4) grid

Layer (type)         Output Shape         Param #    Trainable 
Conv2d               [12, 64, 64]         336        True      
BatchNorm2d          [12, 64, 64]         24         True      
ReLU                 [12, 64, 64]         0          False     
Conv2d               [24, 32, 32]         2,616      True      
BatchNorm2d          [24, 32, 32]         48         True      
ReLU                 [24, 32, 32]         0          False     
Conv2d               [48, 16, 16]         10,416     True      
BatchNorm2d          [48, 16, 16]         96         True      
ReLU                 [48, 16, 16]         0          False     
Conv2d               [24, 8, 8]           10,392     True      
BatchNorm2d          [24, 8, 8]           48         True      
ReLU                 [24, 8, 8]           0          False     
Conv2d               [12, 4, 4]           2,604      True      
BatchNorm2d          [12, 4, 4]           24         True      
Flatten              [192]                0          False     

Total params: 26,604
Total trainable params: 26,604
Total non-trainable params: 0
Optimized with 'torch.optim.adam.Adam', betas=(0.9, 0.99)
Using true weight decay as discussed in https://www.fast.ai/2018/07/02/adam-weight-decay/ 
Loss function : CrossEntropyLoss
Callbacks functions applied