Launching Cutting Edge Deep Learning for Coders: 2018 edition

We are officially launched!

Thanks to all the in-person participants who contributed so much, and welcome to all the new students joining via the MOOC :slight_smile:


Brilliant, thanks very much, have been looking forward to this and can’t wait to work through it. Really appreciate the courses anf the great fastai library😊


Thank you @jeremy… this is awesome, just in time for our study group in Barcelona to build uncool cool deeplearning stuff


So greatful of this! Thank you!

Woke up this morning with this great news!

I have help to spread the news in the Reddit’s ML community:

Also shared some of my thoughts there.

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Thanks @jeremy!

thanks @jeremy

Thank you Jeremy! Very excited for this :slight_smile:

Excellent work and thanks for sharing Jeremy.

Thank you @jeremy ! You have taught me a lot through this course.

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Can you provide a little more detail on what O365 could do to help people that are working on the fastai course? I’m a bit confused on what the link is between O365 support and the Fastai Part2 course.

It is a scam / spam post.

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