Kaggle aptos fast ai official final rank 90 unofficial 50

Here I publish my final rank in kaggles concluded aptos 2019 competition with fast ai solution
.Overall m satisfied just wi

th small regret as can be made out from my subject
My best public score got my rank of 90 ,se ond best unofficial 50th rank
.I built solution using newest efficient b5 and b5 model built by Google
Hope it can be incorporated soon in fast ai
.thanks Jeremy and sylvian for helping deep learning aspirant built top 5/ 10 solution for kaggle competiton .
I still remember Jeremy words during initial lectures that people who are ranked in top 10 of kaggle competition know what they doing and why they doing:)…



EfficientNet has been recently added to the library.


Congrats ! Personally I managed to got in the Top 77%, so probably I have no idea what I am doing. But I am still at the lesson 3 of the Part1, so this competition was my homework of lesson 1 and 2 x) I just regret to not have spend more time on it (i.e. start the lesson before :p).

I can wait to see what have done the first and second position. My bet is that they used an efficientnet and a really qell stratified validation set.

Thanks u too
after trying long u are too in top 100
Could u point me to place where it is added.
Is it possible to append unet to Eff-nets ?