Interpretation of Training!..Do i need more Trainingsdata?

Hey everyone,

i am working on a multiclass classification project and used a pretrained ResNet151 as a backbone. I got some good results but i am not sure if i did everthink right, specially working with a unbalanced Dataset.

The trainingdata are unbalaced and look like this:

Class 0: 1147
Class 1: 922
Class 2: 338

Interpretation of Training!..Do i need more Trainingsdata?
Best Practise for me

learn = cnn_learner(data, base_arch=models.resnet152 , pretrained=True, metrics= accuracy)
learn.freeze()#by default if you load it from FastAi Libary


so i picked
lr = 2.5e-3 and trained it learn.fit_one_cycle(10,lr) and get this Graph

can somebody explain to me, why the jump of the valid_loss at batch=380 happens?

i think the plot looks good for me. My Model is slightley overfitting after 900 Batches but its tolerable, or not? valid_loss and valid_train continue decreasing. After 10 epochs the accuracy is 0.945946. I am super happy so i kept training. Now i want to train the pretrained weights. Therefor i used unfreeze() to make all layers trainable. Used lr_find() and get this:


I decided to use a discriminatory learning rate lr_slicer = slice(6e-7,1e-6) and trained it for 10 epochs learn.fit_one_cycle(10, max_lr=lr_slicer). I wanted to train the body with a low learningrate to avoid.


After 10 epochs the accuracy goes up 0.954262. valid_loss and train_loss keep going down so should i keep training with a very low learning rate? not sure about this.

interpretation results
with interp.most_confused(min_val=2) i get this.
[(β€˜1’, β€˜0’, 6),
(β€˜1’, β€˜2’, 6),
(β€˜0’, β€˜1’, 5),
(β€˜2’, β€˜1’, 4)]

Next to improve the Model

  • finetunning model with a Dataset with classes 1, so that the model can learn more features of this class? This woult be my next step what do you think guys?

Do be honest i am super happy with this but i wasent sure because of my unbalaced Dataset. I decided to create a TestSet which look like this:

Class 0 : 104
Class 1: 143
Class 2: 276

The accuracy of the TestSet is 86%

What would be the next step to make my model better?
For me: Generate more Trainingimages of class 0, like mention above.

Please feel free to correct me and suggestions are very welcome

Take a look at this notebook and related blog post for a similar problem/exploration I faced recently.

A couple of suggestions around…

… class imbalance

  • Make sure your validation set is a stratified random sample of your entire dataset, e.g. assuming you have 2 classes with an extreme class imbalance (99-1%), your validation set should reflect that percentages as you want your model to do well on data resembling production/real-life one.
  • Feel free to go crazy with your training set. Always resample the minority class (never undersample the majority one). I usually literally copy-paste the minority class N times to try rebalancing a bit the training data (see my notebook linked above).
  • Always look at the confusion matrix. You don’t need interp.most_confused in your case. You have 3 classes. Plot the entire thing (on the validation set) and look at what is happening.

… potentially improving model performance (all the below I have explored in the links above)

  1. Split your data in N folds (3 is a good start) and train N different models on those. Then ensemble your N models predictions on the validation set.
  2. Use Test Time Augmentation.
  3. Use progressive resizing.
  4. Try Label Smoothing (worth a shot but requires longer training)

I don’t think this is a major concern as it’s still relatively at the beginning of the training phase. Anyway, what is your batch size? The smaller the higher the variability (e.g. more jumps).

It depends on your exact problem. Regardless, you have ~2.4k images. This is more than enough. Use more aggressive data augmentaion if you feel you need more.

Thank you very much for the Input.

I need to learn more about progressive resizing and then i will try it.
I will updating the post when i tried it.

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