ICLR 2020 - Fastiai crew + Recommendations?

Is anyone attending the virtual ICLR 2020? Anyone have any recommendations for what they’re looking forward to? There’s a huge amount of content, and so little time :sweat_smile:

Just watched a couple of talks and joined a poster session, the virtual format actually works surprisingly well! If you have $100 ($50 for a student) and enough time this week its a great chance to hear from some top ML folks in person during talks and Zoom with them during poster sessions.

[Disclosure I’m volunteering on the tech support side, not trying to shill tickets, just excited to be “attending” my first ML conference :smiley: ]


Im attending the conference and focus is on NLP related papers and poster videos. Will attend a couple live sessions from the sponsor booths too.

You should definitely checkout the help section. :slight_smile:

will the talks there recorder for later watch?

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Yes I believe they open up the talks sometime after the conference ends

Thanks, didn’t even think of the help section :smiley: If you haven’t seen it, this is a great roundup of sum of the transformers talks: https://t.co/WkjTaUb5gV?amp=1

Did you join the #social_language and #huggingface-ama chat channels too? Some good NLP discussions happening there