Howto: installation on Windows

Searching the forum helps…(might be a bit old, but should work)


Don’t use the link given above

See the top of this thread(see the comment below by Jeremy)

The information in @ecdrid’s reply above is incorrect. Please don’t use that approach to setting up Windows, but use the approach in the top post in this current thread instead.

We are using the pre-release version of Pytorch for Windows. It runs under Windows directly, not under the Linux subsystem.

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I have GTX 1080ti on my windows box. I followed these instructions and I see that my Jupyter notebook runs slow. Is this common for Jupyter Notebook to run slow?

In fact, the learning is also slower.

Here’s a comparison (running first model from lesson1.ipynb)

Ubuntu Unix Box
Drive SSD

Example: Our first model (dogs vs cats) with no temporary files

Windows Box:
GPU GTX 1080ti
Drive SSD

I have two GPUs

Therefore, I set device as follows:

When I run the same piece of code as above, it not only runs slowly but gives warning for the other GPU (device 1).

As you can see - this runs 4 times slower than GTX 970 (from the nvidia-smi output above I verified that the 1080i GPU was being used when this ran).

NOTE: To narrow down the issue, I ran the same lines of code in a “.py” on commandline. Here’s the performance if it helps.

Has anyone else seen this before? Any help is much appreciated.

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Just wanted to share my experience with the install for anyone who has issues. I’m a huge novice to the command line and programming so these tips are targeted at that audience.

I followed Jeremy’s instructions but received a module not found error when inside of the lesson 1 running this: from fastai.imports import *

I believe I had two issues. The first was I had previously installed Anaconda but I had it installed for all users rather than just me like Jeremy had specified. I uninstalled my anaconda and reinstalled for just me.

My second issue was creating a symlink in the command line for step 8 of the install. (which was the first time I’ve ever done that so needed a bit more verbose instructions). What isn’t clear for noobs but I’m sure is totally obvious to people with command line experience is once you load the anaconda command line prompt in administrator mode, it loads you into an entirely different directory than the home directory you were working in for steps 1-7. Therefore you need to navigate to the home directory you were in for the previous steps using the change directory function “cd”. For me, I needed to navigate back to: C:\Users\Will\fastai\courses\dl1 but you’ll need to replace "Will’ with your home directory name. Once at this directory, which you can check by typing ‘pwd’ you can finish the install by following the instructions in step 8.

One final thing to note is that the instructions work as long as you are in the dl1 course. If you try to run a notebook from the ml1 course, you’ll need to change your directory within the jupyter notebook to courses/dl1 instead of courses/ml1. I’m sure there is a better way to do this but this is what got it to work for me.

Anyway, I’m sure this is obvious to most but hopefully helpful to the coding newbs in the group.


Thanks for the helpful extra notes. For ml1, simply create another symlink to fastai there to have it work.

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I am new to the course so my question might be silly. Is it impossible to implement fastai on CPU with AMD Radeon or it just very slow to work?
Also when I tried with the same I am getting an error for line: from fastai.imports import *

I thought there was a problem with directory path so tried

but again getting error . Can you help , thanks .

@jeremy - I am sorry to tag you in this post but I have not been able to find a solution to this yet.

Have you observed that CUDA 9 is slower tha CUDA 8? My windows box (GPU 1080i) is slower than my Ubuntu box (GTX 970) in that it takes twice as long to run the same code.

ref to my detailed post below

I would like your thoughts on this when you get a chance.


@vikasbahirwani How do the CPUs compare on these two boxes? Training seems to be heavily CPU bound, to the point that I and many others have initially thought it wasn’t using our GPUs at all.
A couple other things to verify would be disk I/O and RAM read/write rates. M.2 drives can be much faster than SATA SSDs.

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unable to solve this error

@jeremy I tried for almost 3 hours and searched the forum for almost an hour. I wasn’t able to find anything other than this thread.

I can’t financially support for the cloud service.
I have a 2GB radeon enabled graphics processor.
I’ve been trying to do the above mentioned steps but have failed every time and these errors

keep showing.
Please Help me to solve this.
I badly want to successfully complete this course and step towards Deep Reinforcement Learning.

You should use Google Colab, which is free. You can’t use a 2GB card, or an AMD card, for this course.

(Please don’t at-mention me, unless it’s a question specific to me personally)

I really apologize for that.
I’ve been using colab for some days but how am i supposed to install the whole fastai environment in it.

This is discussed in many forum threads.

Thank you. I will take a look.

Do you know why the training is CPU heavy? Augmentation?

Thank you for everything. I was finally able to set up everything.


Great videos. Can’t express it enough how easy you make this. Learning Deep learning from scratch and moving right along. Your setup for my windows install worked flawlessly.

Can’t wait to make it all the way through your series.

So, as a noob, I have a followup question.

I have the windows install running great on all notebooks. However, I would like to do a Git pull to update my fastai library.

Can i simply go to the command line and run:

git clone

or do i need to go through all of the installation steps again? I’m afraid to experiment with this on my own as i have everything working and lack the skill to repair it if I break something.

I try update my driver and suddenly it find CUDA now.

Yeah, it’s fine. You’ll have to re-do step 8 (changing the symlink).
If something really goes wrong, you can just delete the whole fastai directory and re-run these installation steps.

@jeremy Thank you for excellent and useful write-up on installation on Windows.

@Oonej and others: I will appreciate your help on the following.

“from fastai.imports import *” cell in lesson1 in Jupyter Notebook on my computer leads to the following error.

ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-2f3a3d7866ce> in <module>()
      1 # This file contains all the main external libs we'll use
----> 2 from fastai.imports import *

C:\Windows\System32\fastai\courses\dl1\fastai\ in <module>()
     13 from pandas_summary import DataFrameSummary
     14 from IPython.lib.display import FileLink
---> 15 from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance, ImageOps
     16 from sklearn import metrics, ensemble, preprocessing
     17 from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter

C:\Programs\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\PIL\ in <module>()
     56     # Also note that Image.core is not a publicly documented interface,
     57     # and should be considered private and subject to change.
---> 58     from . import _imaging as core
     59     if PILLOW_VERSION != getattr(core, 'PILLOW_VERSION', None):
     60         raise ImportError("The _imaging extension was built for another "

ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.