How to avoid billing when using t2 and after releasing IP addresses?

Hi @Daniel,
Regarding your comments, I saw that you have 2 EBS: 1 for t2 and other for p2. Are you being charged by the 2 EBS? I am thinking to store all the files in git and download each time I need do a job but I think I will be charged by Data Transfer. Am I right? Is this a good idea?

Hi Carlos,

For your first question, the answer is yes; As for the second question, I am not sure what do you mean by charged by Data Transfer.

My understanding at the moment In terms of EBS charging is as follows:

  1. If I have just one p2 instance, and total data volume used is below 128G, then the charge is accepted;
  2. If I have 1 p2 and 1 t2.large instances, and only used 4 G dataset in total, but the charge is doubled, not quite acceptable for me.

I am quite new to aws too, and it is my personal view. Do look further for other people’s post too.


@Daniel, had you success to decrease the instance volume size and so decrease the value of charge?

yes, it works. Have a look here at @nunb’s post

Hi @Daniel, @nunb
Please, where is the link to access the AMI created by @vshets? I did search the forum but could not find it.
I also want to create my 30 Gb volume.

Ok, after check many posts, I did find out that I can use the ami id. Well, I am new to AWS and so need learn doing

No, really, why nobody has notified us about these charges?! Would not it be better if the course authors explained it in a video beforehand that EBS and Elastic IPs are should be paid for? I was quite lucky to notice this after a week since I stopped my instances and not after a month or a year.

Reading some billing documentation and it says on here

“Each time you start a stopped instance we charge a full instance hour, even if you make this transition multiple times within a single hour”

Is this correct. So if i’m on the p2 instance and just scripting for 10mins, and stop the instance and after some time start the instance again and spend another 10 minutes. I would have been charger for 2 hours ? even I only spent 20mins? Sorry but for newbies, the billing is a little bit confusing and though this post helped alot and answered a bunch of my questions, no one really addressed this. Am i misunderstanding this?


@jupjax AWS is pointing that “even if you make this transition multiple times within a single hour” you will be billed by one hour. So, if you just start the instance or start/stop many times within one hour, the result is the same: billed by one hour. So, after I start my instance, I use not be worry about stop IF I am within that range of 60 min.


I read through these posts and AWS documentation, but I’m still unsure.

I no longer have instances running.
But how do I release the elastic IP?