Help - Conference

Hi everyone,

Hope you are all well.

Catching-up with course, amidst my postgraduate studies, etc.

I have been accepted to attend the Deep Learning Indaba conference in Tunisia this year! :smiley:
Its an annual Deep Learning conference especially targeted to the African continent. Its happening after 2 years (due to the pandemic).

I stay in South Africa. I need some help urgently, please.

A humble request if anyone knows about funding for securing accommodation for me at Tunisia, for the conference or where I can urgently apply, etc, please a humble request to let me know asap as I need to inform the conference team in a few days time.

Thank you so much in advance. I really appreciate it a lot.

I hope this is fine to post, Jeremy. I really do appreciate it. :slight_smile:

Kind Regards,


Absolutely fine! Congrats on the Indaba acceptance! Best of luck in finding accommodation/funding :slight_smile:


Thank you Jeremy. You are very kind! I truly appreciate it.

Still puzzling and checking… Sigh!