[fastpages] Links in front matter summary

When I start the first cell in my Jupyter notebook with:
# My Title
> โ€˜This blog post is cool. For more details check out my paper.โ€™
everything works fine except for the link. Is this a missing feature or am I missing something here? :sweat_smile:

Thanks for reading and above all, thank you so much for fastpages! :smiley:

This forum seems to convert .md-links automatically. What I wrote was a usual .md link with the label in square brackets and the actual link in parenthesis.

I believe you have to use HTML to make this work

<a href= โ€ฆ

Try it let me know if it works!

Thanks for your reply, @hamelsmu!
Now I have added the link as HTML: paper

Just as with markdown it gets rendered properly in the notebook, but in the blog post generated by fastpages one can see the actual code instead of a link :confused:

Haha, this forum translates the HTML code to the actual link - just as it does with the md version ^^

You can now include HTML in the Description Only (not possible in other places for various reasons). Feature was added via https://github.com/fastai/fastpages/pull/269

You have to upgrade fastpages to get these changes. You can find examples of links in descriptions on https://fastpages.fast.ai/


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It works! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! :smiley: