Fastai v4 or v3

Hello guys, I already started doing v3 and completed 3 lectures. But I came to know that v4 is going to come out this month or may be next month. Should I wait for v4 to arrive and then start my course?
What can I do in the mean time? Someone suggested me to have a look at fastbook. But, I am asking here again for the clarity.


It’s up to you. Jeremy said yesterday that I should be “in a week or two”. If I was you I’d start on v3 and get on with some projects from the first couple of lessons.

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yeah, I am doing the same. Doing the notebooks of first three lectures. Thanks.
What about the fastbook?

I had a look at it, I’m finding the lectures more beneficial for me but you may find the book better, it depends on your background and what you know already. There is no correct answer. Look at the book in GitHub and see what you think.

sure, thanks!

Take at look at jeremys book
Deep Learning for Coders with Fastai and PyTorch on amazon
you can use this in conjunction with V4 notebooks on github

if you like reading books this is as good as jeremy’s lectures.
My brain even reads the sentences in his voice!